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CDU votes on admission of ex-Greens politician Sekmen

Her announcement to change parties has caused an uproar: the Mannheim member of the Bundestag wants to keep her seat - and sit in parliament for the CDU in the future.

The CDU district association in Mannheim wants to vote on the admission of former Green Party...
The CDU district association in Mannheim wants to vote on the admission of former Green Party member of parliament Melis Sekmen - a formality, it was previously said. (archive picture)

Change of political group - CDU votes on admission of ex-Greens politician Sekmen

The CDU-District Association Mannheim will vote on the admission of former Green Party Bundestag member Melis Sekmen on Tuesday (19.00 hours). The decision of the executive board is a formality, the chairman Christian Hötting had stated beforehand. Sekmen will therefore also present herself at the meeting in Mannheim.

The 30-year-old former Green Party member had announced on the previous Monday that she wanted to switch to the CDU. According to a media report, dissatisfaction with the economic policy of the Greens was given as a reason.

Sekmen has Turkish roots - her father came to Germany as a young person. She was born in Mannheim and was elected to the Bundestag in 2021 via the Green state list. In the Bundestag, Sekmen was until then the Green Party's spokesperson in the Economic Committee. She had been a member of the Greens since 2011. At times, she was also the Green Party's faction leader in the Mannheim City Council.

Sekmen's decision to switch parties from the Greens to the CDU has sparked interest in Baden-Württemberg's political scene. As a result of her shift, she is expected to become a Member of the Bundestag representing the CDU in the future. The change of political group will likely shift her focus within the Bundestag, potentially leading to new roles and responsibilities.

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