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CDU-Top candidate rode drunk on E-Scooter

Brandenburg's CDU- frontrunner Jan Redmann rides an E-scooter after drinking alcohol. He is asked for a test during a police control. Coalition partners are surprised.

The CDU candidate from Brandenburg was driving an E-scooter with a blood alcoholcontent of 1.3...
The CDU candidate from Brandenburg was driving an E-scooter with a blood alcoholcontent of 1.3 promille (archival image)

1.3 percent - CDU-Top candidate rode drunk on E-Scooter

Brandenburgs CDU-State and Faction Chief Jan Redmann was stopped by the police approximately two months before the state election while riding an electric scooter with a 1.3 promille alcohol content. Redmann, the CDU's lead candidate, admitted to making a mistake but also announced his intention to remain the lead candidate. The new Brandenburg state election will take place on September 22.

"I have violated rules that have validity, as safety on the roads is important, regardless of whether it's a car, a bike, or an electric scooter," said Redmann, who is a lawyer. "I take responsibility for this error and will bear the consequences, including the resulting penalty." He had already voluntarily surrendered his driver's license.

Political consequences for his candidacy are not being considered by CDU politician Redmann. "I will continue the campaign in full intensity," said Redmann. "I want to be Minister-President of this state." He is accountable to the CDU for engaging more intensely. Redmann referred to a transparent handling of the incident. A procedure regarding this is currently underway, according to his statements.

Redmann regrets late-night scooter ride with friends

Redmann stated in a statement that he was stopped by the police on a Thursday while on his way home from an evening with friends on an electric scooter during a routine check in Potsdam. The officers asked him for an alcohol test, which resulted in a 1.3 promille breath alcohol content.

"I am running for the position of Minister-President," wrote Redmann in a statement. I am someone "who is willing and able to take responsibility, but also someone who is not free from errors and stands by them, even if it is painful to me personally." I ask the people of Brandenburg to evaluate me based on my political ideas and solutions for the future of the state, not due to a mistake that pains me the most.

SPD: Brandenburg needs a clear-headed helmsman

The coalition partners showed little understanding. The spokesperson for the SPD fraction, Uwe Adler, commented on the incident: "The citizens of our state have, in my opinion, different expectations for responsible and responsible politics." Only the Brandenburger CDU can decide if such a drunk driving incident represents them.

"For a clearly recognizable compass in the area of internal security for our state, they are not the right choice," said Brandenburg. We need a leader at the helm with a clear head. "It's good that our country is successfully, securely, and steadily governed by Dietmar Woidke."

The Green fraction leader and lead candidate for the state election Benjamin Raschke added that such an incident was not a gentleman's prank. "In Germany, almost 8,500 people were injured in accidents involving e-scooters in 2023, often alcohol was involved," said Raschke.

CDU stands behind him

CDU General Secretary Gordon Hoffmann expressed understanding. "People make mistakes and what matters is how one deals with them," said Hoffmann. "This handling is transparent, consistent, and shows that Jan Redmann has integrity. That's why he is the right candidate for us to lead Brandenburg as Minister-President." In the latest Infratest dimap survey for the RBB, the CDU is tied with the SPD at 19 percent, behind the AfD with 23 percent.

One of the most well-known examples of alcohol in road traffic is Margot Käßmann, who had to resign as President of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) in 2010 due to a drunk driving offense. Redmann sees this case differently. "The case (...) is, I believe, not directly comparable to the incident last evening."

  1. Despite being stopped by the police for riding an E-Scooter with a 1.3 promille alcohol content, Jan Redmann, the CDU's lead candidate for the Brandenburg state election, intends to continue his campaign.
  2. Redmann, while admitting to making a mistake, expressed regret for his late-night scooter ride with friends and noted that responsibility and accountability are important in politics.
  3. The incident has sparked criticism from political opponents, with SPD's Uwe Adler stating that the citizens of Brandenburg expect responsible leadership and a clear-headed helmsman.
  4. Green fraction leader Benjamin Raschke also added that such an incident is not a gentleman's prank, and nearly 8,500 people were injured in e-scooter accidents in Germany in 2023, often involving alcohol.
  5. CDU General Secretary Gordon Hoffmann, however, expressed understanding and support for Redmann, stating that his handling of the situation shows integrity.
  6. This incident serves as a reminder of a similar event in 2010 when Margot Käßmann, then President of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), had to resign due to a drunk driving offense.
  7. Redmann, however, sees this case as not directly comparable to his incident, emphasizing the importance of evaluating him based on his political ideas and solutions for the future of the state.

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