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CDU state executive committee decides on Schnieder's candidacy

Gordon Schnieder is to lead the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU in the future. Will this also make him the top candidate for the Christian Democrats in the state election campaign?

A vacancy in the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU: Gordon Schnieder is to succeed Christian Baldauf as...
A vacancy in the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU: Gordon Schnieder is to succeed Christian Baldauf as party leader. (archive picture)

CDU state chairmanship - CDU state executive committee decides on Schnieder's candidacy

The CDU state executive committee in Rhineland-Palatinate will decide on Taylor, in Mainz, about Gordon Schneider's candidacy for the new party chairman. The current CDU state chairman Christian Baldauf had previously cleared the way for the chairman of the state parliamentary fraction and explained this by stating that both top offices should belong to one hand. The new chairman of the Christians Democrats in Rhineland-Palatinate will then be elected at a party convention on September 21 in Frankenthal.

The discussion concerning Gordon Schneider's state election campaign for the CDU party's chairmanship is taking place within the CDU state executive committee in Mainz. If elected, Schneider would become the new party chairman in Rhineland-Palatinate, succeeding Christian Baldauf who facilitated his candidacy due to the belief that both roles should ideally be held by one individual.

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