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CDU politician Ehlers remains mayor of Schwerin

CDU politician Sebastian Ehlers had to rely on votes from other parties to be re-elected as mayor of Schwerin. In the end, he had a clear lead over his AfD competitor Leif-Erik Holm.

CDU politician Sebastian Ehlers has been re-elected Mayor of the state capital Schwerin. (archive...
CDU politician Sebastian Ehlers has been re-elected Mayor of the state capital Schwerin. (archive picture)

Mayor - CDU politician Ehlers remains mayor of Schwerin

CDU politician Sebastian Ehlers (CDU) remains Mayor of the state capital Schwerin. On their first meeting since the municipal elections in early June, the city councilors confirmed Ehlers in his office in the evening. The 42-year-old was first elected to this position in 2019. According to a spokesperson, Ehlers received 20 votes in the secret ballot. The CDU itself has nine councilors.

Leif-Erik Holm from the AfD reportedly found the support of 14 councilors. That was two more votes than the AfD had gained in the number of seats in their election victory. Heiko Steinmüller, who was the only independent candidate to make it into the city parliament, received nine votes in the election of the Mayor. Mandy Pfeifer from the SPD had decided against running. Therefore, it is likely that at least part of the SPD voted for the CDU's Ehlers.

From the elections on June 9, the AfD had emerged as the strongest party in Schwerin with 26% of the votes. After that came CDU, SPD, and Linke. In total, representatives from nine parties managed to get into the city parliament of the state capital, which has 45 members.

  1. Despite Leif-Erik Holm from the AfD receiving more votes in the secret ballot for the re-election of the Mayor, Sebastian Ehlers from the CDU ultimately secured his position due to support from other parties, including potentially some SPD members.
  2. The re-election of Mayor Sebastian Ehlers in the state capital Schwerin was a significant event, given that the AfD, led by Holm, came out as the strongest party in the recent municipal elections.
  3. In the CDU's quest for another term in the state capital's leadership, Mayor Sebastian Ehlers successfully secured his re-election, overcoming the challenge posed by Leif-Erik Holm of the AfD and other parties.
  4. The re-election of Mayor Sebastian Ehlers in Schwerin's state capital was a contentious issue, with the AfD's Leif-Erik Holm receiving more votes but ultimately losing to Ehlers due to cross-party support.
  5. Leif-Erik Holm's bid for the re-election of the Mayor in Schwerin's state capital faced a significant challenge from the incumbent CDU's Sebastian Ehlers, who managed to secure the necessary votes through party alliances and possible support from other parties like the SPD.

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