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CDU politician cracks a joke during his speech in the Bundestag.

Encoded secrets unveiled

Heveling sits in the Bundestag for the constituency of Krefeld and Neuss.
Heveling sits in the Bundestag for the constituency of Krefeld and Neuss.

CDU politician cracks a joke during his speech in the Bundestag.

CDU politician Ansgar Heveling, representing North Rhine-Westphalia in the Bundestag since 2009, decided to add a bit of humor to his 100th parliamentary speech. During a debate on digital justice, he pulled off a clever trick by slippin' the word "hundred" into each of his points. In just four minutes and 30 seconds, he managed to use it nine times.

He chuckled, "If y'all are wondering why I kept bringin' up 'hundred' every few lines, well, here's the deal: Today's my 100th speech in the German Bundestag." He dumped the laughs in the plenum in Berlin.

His word play didn't go unnoticed. Some folks mighta wondered if the judicial system truly required such a drastic speed-up and if those dusty old paper records were about to get trashed by the lawmakers. Or maybe they thought, "This study ain't no biggie, just 30 pages, not 100." Or even, "This ain't gonna impact hundreds of proceedings."

Bundestag Vice President Aydan Özoguz gave a nod of approval to Heveling's speech feat. The SPD politician, presiding over the session, quipped, "Many can't achieves this in their entire time," pointing out that the Krefeld and Neuss constituency rep had been a Bundestag member since 2009. Not too surprised, Heveling just took it as a compliment.

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