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CDU-Landtag election campaign revolves around two promises

The CDU has presented its campaign for the state election. With it, the party intends to win voters in rural areas and in the cities. The Union also acknowledges errors in this context.

The Thuringia CDU admits errors in the past during the presentation of their election campaign.
The Thuringia CDU admits errors in the past during the presentation of their election campaign.

campaign - CDU-Landtag election campaign revolves around two promises

In the state election campaign, the Thuringia CDU is making a "security and upward mobility promise." Regarding security, for the CDU this means that people should be able to move around in public without fear, says CDU chairman Mario Voigt at the presentation of the Union campaign for the state election on September 1st.

At the same time, the CDU wants to ensure that it pays off for people when they, for example, make contributions in their jobs. Unlike other parties, the CDU can actually fulfill its promises, says top candidate Voigt. This is achieved, among other things, through the CDU's strong local roots in Thuringia.

According to CDU General Secretary Christian Herrgott, the party will not only campaign with posters for itself in the remaining days before the Landtag election, but will also intensively campaign in social networks. There will be no focus on a specific region or rural areas, for example. "We can be CDU for the land, but we can also be CDU for the city," says Herrgott.

At the same time, the CDU acknowledges errors in the years it has governed at the federal or state level. "We have also made mistakes," it says in a campaign film, for example. The atomic exit was just as wrong as allowing uncontrolled migration to Germany. Also, that the CDU, unlike promised, did not permit advance elections to the Thuringian Landtag, was wrong. But: "We have learned from our mistakes," says Herrgott.

The CDU's campaign for the State election in Thuringia, led by top candidate Mario Voigt, will not only involve traditional poster campaigns but also intensive use of social networks, according to General Secretary Christian Herrgott. Voigt emphasizes that the CDU can fulfill its promises in areas like job contributions due to its strong local roots in Thuringia. The state election in September will determine the composition of the Thuringia State parliament, with the CDU making a promise of security and upward mobility. party leader Voigt highlighted the importance of personal safety and job benefits in public during the presentation of the Union campaign. In response to past errors, the CDU acknowledges mistakes in their governance, including the handling of the atomic exit, migration, and failure to permit advance elections to the Thuringian Landtag, as shown in a campaign film. However, Herrgott stresses that the CDU has learned from these mistakes.

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