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CDU deputy leader Prien asks hotel staff to apologize in Ofarim case

"Lies so easily believed"

"Gil Ofarim has unfortunately done serious damage to the fight against anti-Semitism in Germany,"
"Gil Ofarim has unfortunately done serious damage to the fight against anti-Semitism in Germany," says

CDU deputy leader Prien asks hotel staff to apologize in Ofarim case

When Gil Ofarim posts his video with the accusations against a hotel employee in 2021, there is a wave of outrage. CDU politician Prien also called for the man to be fired. After Ofarim's confession of lying, she is shocked.

Following the spectacular turn of events in the trial against singer Gil Ofarim, deputy CDU chairwoman Karin Prien has publicly called for an apology. She had called for the dismissal of the hotel employee whom Ofarim wrongly accused of anti-Semitism. "I was shocked to hear Gil Ofarim's confession," Prien told Stern: "I am sorry that I believed his lie so easily and I can only sincerely apologize to the employee concerned and his hotel."

The CDU politician had expressed her solidarity with Ofarim in October 2021 after the singer accused an employee of the Westin Hotel in Leipzig in an Instagram video of insulting him because of his Star of David chain. Prien, who has Jewish roots herself, wrote in a post on the short messaging service Twitter: "Unbelievable that something like this happens in Germany and does not immediately lead to the dismissal of the employees in question."

On Tuesday, Ofarim suddenly confessed in the proceedings against him that he had only made up the allegations. "Gil Ofarim has unfortunately caused serious damage to the fight against anti-Semitism in Germany," said Prien. This weighs "particularly heavily" at a time of growing anti-Semitism.

Prien also lamented: "Accusations of anti-Semitism and racism are rightly associated with social disregard. With every new victim, there is now a danger that the perpetrator and society will point to him and his lie."

Following Ofarim's confession, the Leipzig District Court provisionally discontinued the proceedings on Tuesday. The 41-year-old must pay 10,000 euros to the Jewish Community of Leipzig and the association supporting the House of the Wannsee Conference. If the money is received within six months, the proceedings will be closed for good. Both sides are also still negotiating compensation for the hotel manager.


