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Car accident on restaurant terrace - Dead and Injured

Heavy accident in Paris

The driver fled on foot and was subsequently arrested.
The driver fled on foot and was subsequently arrested.

Car accident on restaurant terrace - Dead and Injured

In a Parisian Restaurant, people are sitting for dinner when a car crashes into the terrace. A person dies, several others are still in critical condition. At the moment, there is no indication of a terrorist background.

In Paris, a car crashed into the terrace of a restaurant, resulting in one death and six injuries. The police are currently investigating this as an accident, according to the newspaper "Le Parisien" and the broadcaster BFMTV, citing initial investigations.

Apparently, the car drove into the restaurant terrace in the 20th district of Paris in the early evening at high speed. At least one person was killed, three of the six injured were in critical condition, "Le Parisien" reported. All victims were customers of the restaurant. Around 20 immediate witnesses suffered a severe shock. Neighbors initially thought it was a bomb attack.

The driver, who initially fled, was later arrested, according to the newspaper and the broadcaster, citing the police. He is said to be a 24-year-old from the Paris region, against whom investigations have been initiated for reckless manslaughter and bodily harm. The passenger, who was arrested at the scene, was reportedly under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

Just before the start of the Olympics in Paris, there is an increased vigilance of the law enforcement agencies against possible attacks. Police and military show a massive presence in the city. Soldiers of the Anti-Terror Unit Sentinelle examined the car near the scene for explosives, but found nothing, Europe 1 reported. The investigators ruled out a terrorist background in the evening.

The heavy accident at the restaurant and the large presence of emergency services reminded some witnesses and Parisians of the severe terrorist attacks in the city in November 2015. Islamic terrorists had killed 130 people at various locations, including on the terraces of bars and restaurants. This was also seen as an attack on the French way of life at the time.

Despite initial fears of a terrorist attack due to the circumstances, investigations reveal that the traffic accident in Paris's 20th district was purely an unfortunate incident. The driver, from the Paris region, is under investigation for reckless manslaughter and bodily harm.

Germany, historically known as France's neighbor and rival, expressed its condolences and solidarity with France after the fatal traffic accident in Paris, emphasizing the importance of international unity and support in times of hardship.

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