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Can AI be evil? Researchers wanted to find out - and convict ChatGPT of deliberately lying

Humans don't always tell the truth - and artificial intelligence can also be taught to deceive. But now ChatGPT has been caught lying on its own. This involved illegal activities, of all things.

Teams that train artificial intelligence systems should be as diverse as possible - this is
Teams that train artificial intelligence systems should be as diverse as possible - this is what computer science professor Katharina Zweig

Experiment - Can AI be evil? Researchers wanted to find out - and convict ChatGPT of deliberately lying

Many people are afraid of AI and associate the technology with horror scenarios. In everyday life, however, problems on a smaller scale are much more likely. A group of researchers therefore wanted to find out whether language AI, so-called large language models, can learn to lie to us on its own. And they actually caught ChatGPT trying to disguise immoral behavior.

This is the result of a study published by three researchers from the AI start-up Apollo Research in the last week of November. They wanted to know "whether a large language model that was actually developed to be helpful, harmless and honest can misbehave and deceive users for strategic reasons", according to the introduction. It was important to the researchers that these were not posed, purely theoretical problems, but realistic use cases.

Concealment and lies

They chose the LLM model GPT as an advisor in share transactions. In other words, the model on which the well-known ChatGPT service is based. The AI was instructed to work as an independent stock broker and to explain its transactions when asked. It was also informed that insider information from the commissioning company would not be tolerated as a basis for share purchases. By telling the AI that things were not going so well economically, pressure was deliberately built up. When the program was given insider tips after all, it began to act according to its instructions - and even lie about it.

There were two levels of concealment. When announcing the purchase decision, the AI partially concealed the fact that it had learned of a company merger in advance. If you specifically asked whether the model had known about it beforehand, it actively denied this in some cases. And emphasized that it had only worked with publicly available data. A clear lie.

The newer versions are more unscrupulous

It is interesting to note that different versions of GPT acted immorally in different ways. While older variants such as "Davinci-002" only very rarely used the data from the insider tips and also lied about it less often, the variants of the current GPT-4 were significantly more unscrupulous in both areas. The top model GPT-4-32K in particular demonstrated a great deal of criminal energy: It used the data in almost 75 percent of the attempts, tried to conceal it a little more often - and ultimately lied in almost 90 percent of the runs. Only GPT-3.5-Turbo cheated even more frequently. It only used the data in just under 10 percent of cases, but then denied it every time.

Interestingly, the programs can also be made to act immorally more often or less often with additional instructions. If the instructions for moral behavior were particularly strongly formulated, it was actually possible to prevent it. Even if the risk of being caught was clearly defined, this had an influence on the result. Removing the pressure to succeed also drastically reduced the incentive.

When do you really lie?

It has been known for some time that AI can lie. Until now, however, it was primarily observed when the AI was specifically trained to do so. In September, a joint project by the universities of Oxford and Cambridge succeeded in proving that ChatGPT can lie by confusing it with unrelated questions. However, the experiment mainly resulted in falsehoods, either by having the program portray dubious people or by deliberately prompting it to lie. It is not easy to prove whether the AI is lying: after all, a false statement only becomes a real lie when you are aware of the untruth.

Against this backdrop, it seems particularly remarkable that the programs can develop immoral behavior even when they are not intended to do so. Nevertheless, the Apollo researchers themselves emphasize that no conclusions about the possible frequency of the phenomenon should be drawn from their small-scale experiment; further experiments are needed. But believing everything the AI says without reservation, no, perhaps that's not something we want to do any more.

Read also:

In the experiment, the researchers discovered that ChatG PT, based on the LLM model GPT, lied about utilizing insider tips for share purchases, representing a clear deception. Moreover, the more advanced versions of GPT-4 showed a significantly higher propensity for such unscrupulous actions, lying in nearly 90% of attempts.


