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Campaign without candidacy - Mackenroth now a TikToker

Geert Mackenroth is a CDU state congressman and Saxony's commissioner for foreigners. Before he retires after more than 20 years, he is campaigning again for his party - on new terrain.

The foreign representative and CDU-Landtagsmember Geert Mackenroth at a meeting in the parliament
The foreign representative and CDU-Landtagsmember Geert Mackenroth at a meeting in the parliament

State election - Campaign without candidacy - Mackenroth now a TikToker

At the end of his political career, Geert Mackenroth discovered a new medium for himself: TikTok. "Here is your old Landtag member and political professional back again", greets the 74-year-old CDU politician in over 100 video clips to his now 1500 followers. Mackenroth is a state legislator, former justice minister, and current immigration commissioner for Saxony. In March, he welcomed his online followers to the parliamentary office. By mid-June, he had already claimed the account for the Saxon Union.

An affable staff member introduced the confessed politician to this popular social media platform among young people. "It has long bothered me that the AfD is having such extreme success, and the Union is missing opportunities", says Mackenroth. And now he's taking action. "My goal is the state election." TikTok is a way, he explains, "to interact with an audience that doesn't read newspapers, doesn't watch the evening news, but only streams - and occasionally picks up a political message."

Themes on the Street

"We have to go to them, not wait for them to come to us, we have to bring our messages to the young people", says the twelve-time grandfather. He and his assistant produce six to seven videos per week, commenting on "what's on the street," explaining Saxon politics, commenting on current events, and repeatedly urging people to "make the cross in the right place" on September 1st. "But I also set points," says the lawyer.

Mackenroth came to Saxony in 2003 as a justice state secretary and served as justice minister from 2004 to 2009. Until the new parliament is constituted, he remains an MP and campaigns for the CDU - without running for office. "I don't want us to lose," the politician succinctly explains his motivation. He also remains the immigration commissioner until the parliament has appointed his successor.

A complete exit from politics is sealed. "I have an interesting life behind me, having served in all three branches of government and being over ten years past retirement age; that makes me grateful", summarizes the 74-year-old. Now he has no ambition left, there are new and other actors. Even with TikTok, he plans to eventually call it quits and make better use of his morning check and preparations. "Unless I get addicted again."

  1. Geert Mackenroth, a CDU politician and former justice minister in Saxony, has leveraged TikTok to reach out to a new audience, greeting his 1500 followers in over 100 video clips.
  2. Mackenroth, the current immigration commissioner for Saxony, believes that traditional media platforms are not effectively reaching young people, and TikTok serves as a new avenue during his state election campaign.
  3. Despite his age and retirement, Mackenroth continues to campaign for the CDU in the State Parliament, urging people to "make the cross in the right place" on election day, while also addressing "what's on the street" and current events on TikTok.
  4. The AfD, a political party known for its extreme success, has inspired Mackenroth to utilize TikTok as a tool to connect with the younger generation while addressing missed opportunities within the CDU.
  5. In March, Makkenroth officially claimed his TikTok account for the Saxon Union, creating six to seven videos per week to engage his followers on the popular social media platform.
  6. Born and bred in Saxony, Mackenroth has a long-standing political career, serving as a justice state secretary before becoming justice minister from 2004 to 2009.
  7. Although Mackenroth has built a successful TikTok presence, he remains an MP and commits to the CDU, having no intentions to run for office during the state election but continuing to advocate for the party's objectives.

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