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Campaign for social cohesion in Saxony

There are only a few weeks left until the state elections in Saxony. The "#stabilbleiben" campaign is calling for active participation to ensure that the political situation remains stable.

Out of concern for a stable democracy, a campaign is now underway in Saxony. (archive picture)
Out of concern for a stable democracy, a campaign is now underway in Saxony. (archive picture)

Before the state election - Campaign for social cohesion in Saxony

A broad coalition of Economy, Culture and Sport is campaigning in Saxony for social cohesion and high participation in the state parliament election on September 1st. In the face of increasing social division, the organizers in Dresden want to set a sign for more togetherness and focus on the positive that Saxony has achieved since reunification.

In the weeks leading up to the election, the campaign "#staystable" will be present with striking motifs throughout the entire free state – on posters in public spaces, in advertisements, at events, in social media and elsewhere.

The initiators include the communications agency Oberüber Karger, Volkswagen Saxony, the L-Group, Konsum Leipzig, Fahrrad XXL, MEDIA Logistik, the Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, the mining company Leag, the State Sports Association Saxony and the Owyo Campus. Other supporters are welcome, regardless of whether they are companies, institutions, associations or private persons. Saxony must remain a economically strong, future-oriented, stable federal state. For this, it needs more community spirit and high voter turnout.

Volkswagen spokesperson Christian Sommer reminded that at the largest private employer, more than 12,000 employees represent over 35 nationalities. "In times of change, it is important to strengthen social cohesion, listen to each other, take responsibility for our own actions and move forward."

Christian Dahms, managing director of the State Sports Association Saxony, described sports community as an important pillar of society. "We appeal to our members to stand together for the values of sports – Fairness, Respect and Tolerance – and to go voting on September 1st."

  1. The broad coalition is campaigning for high participation in the State election in Saxony on September 1st, aiming to promote social cohesion, particularly in the city of Dresden.
  2. Volkswagen Saxony, a key supporter of the campaign, boasts a diverse workforce of over 12,000 employees from over 35 nationalities, highlighting the importance of fostering social cohesion in times of change.
  3. As part of the "#staystable" campaign, events and advertisements will be held throughout Saxony, encouraging society to unite and aim for a strong, future-oriented parliament.
  4. The State Sports Association Saxony, another campaign supporter, emphasizes the role of sports in society, encouraging members to uphold values such as fairness, respect, and tolerance during the state election.

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