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Café guests in Bochum attacked with acid

Several injured

The police were able to arrest the perpetrator.
The police were able to arrest the perpetrator.

Café guests in Bochum attacked with acid

Guests at a Cafe in Bochum were sipping coffee "completely relaxed" when suddenly a person threw acid at a man. The apparent target of the attack was severely injured, as well as bystanders and emergency responders who came into contact with the substance. The police arrested the suspect.

According to a police press release, three people were injured in an acid attack outside a Cafe in Bochum in the afternoon, one of them severely. Six police officers and two firefighters were also injured in the aftermath of the attack, as they came into contact with the substance.

The man had thrown a corrosive substance on a guest who was sitting at a table, the police press release stated. The victim was severely injured. A woman sitting at the same table and a waitress were also injured.

There is currently no information about the motive of the crime, the spokesperson said. He did not make any initial statements about the identity of the suspected attacker. Six police officers and two firefighters were injured in the aftermath of the attack and were also in contact with the substance, a police spokeswoman said. It is still unclear which substance was involved. The man is currently being interrogated, the spokeswoman said in the evening.

Sudden loud screams

A murder commission was set up. The crime scene was initially cordoned off, investigators secured traces. The guests had drunk coffee and cake "completely relaxed" just before the attack, the spokesperson said. An journalist, who happened to be nearby, reported that there were suddenly loud screams from the Cafe or the beer garden in front of it. Only a few minutes later, several police cars arrived. Some were parked in front of the Cafe, others drove on. Several ambulances were on site.

An eyewitness told WDR that he had seen people running from the Cafe. "A young man lay on the ground and screamed 'I'm burning, I'm burning'", the eyewitness said. Several people from the Cafe then poured water over the man. Another eyewitness, who also heard the screams, also reported that the police and rescue services were very quick to arrive.

According to the "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung", the substance hit the younger man at the neck, stomach, and legs. "It looked terrible", an eyewitness was quoted as saying. The clothes on the legs were either torn away or at least soaked through. Water was reportedly fetched "literally" from the Cafe and poured over the man.

The international community expressed concern over the violent incident in Bochum, urging local authorities to ensure the safety of its citizens. The International Police Organization offered assistance in investigating the attack and identifying the suspect.

The International Police Organization, in their statement, expressed their condolences to the victims and their families, praising the swift response of the Bochum Police and emergency services.

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