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Cabinet approves supplementary budget for 2023

Following the ruling from Karlsruhe, the cabinet decides on a supplementary budget to secure loans for energy and flood aid.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (right), Economics Minister Robert Habeck (center), Federal Finance
Chancellor Olaf Scholz (right), Economics Minister Robert Habeck (center), Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (front) during the meeting of the Federal Cabinet in the Federal

Cabinet approves supplementary budget for 2023

Following the Karlsruhe budget ruling, the Federal Cabinet has approved a supplementary budget for 2023. This is intended to legally secure loans of around 45 billion euros that have already been used for the energy price brakes and to support flood victims.

The prerequisite is that the Bundestag declares an extraordinary emergency and suspends the debt brake for this year.

This is breaking news - more soon!


