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Bye, George Santos: Scandal-ridden Republican thrown out of the House of Representatives

It's the end with an announcement: after months of George Santos slithering from one scandal to the next, the House of Representatives has now pulled the ripcord. The Republican congressman from New York is no longer a member of the US Congress.

US Republican George Santos allegedly spent campaign donations on OnlyFans, Botox and luxury
US Republican George Santos allegedly spent campaign donations on OnlyFans, Botox and luxury

Drama in the US Congress - Bye, George Santos: Scandal-ridden Republican thrown out of the House of Representatives

The baron of lies is out of Congress: the US House of Representatives has kicked out the scandal-ridden congressman George Santos, who has been accused of fraud. The chamber of Congress voted on Friday with a broad bipartisan majority to expel the 35-year-old Republican, who has made headlines with numerous lies about his CV. Santos is only the sixth congressman in US history to be banned from the House of Representatives.

Two weeks after a devastating report on Santos by the House Ethics Committee, 311 Republicans and Democrats voted to expel him. 114 MPs voted against. The two-thirds majority required to expel Santos, who had only been in the House of Representatives since the beginning of the year, was thus clearly achieved.

Out for George Santos: "He has invented his whole life"

During the parliamentary debate before the vote, the New York MP was sharply attacked by party colleagues. "You're a crook," said Republican MP Max Miller. Republican Marc Molinaro said Santos was "disconnected from reality. He's made up his whole life." Congressman Anthony D'Esposito called Santos a "liar."

At the beginning of November, a motion to expel Santos failed. However, the ethics committee's investigation report has now prompted many MPs to change their stance.

The report published in mid-November states that there is "sufficient evidence" that Santos violated criminal law and other rules. "Congressman Santos has fraudulently attempted to exploit every aspect of his candidacy for the House of Representatives for his own personal financial gain."

Santos "brazenly" "stole" from his campaign coffers. Among other things, the politician with Brazilian roots is said to have spent campaign funds on the purchase of luxury items from fashion house Hermès, casino visits, weekend getaways, Botox treatments and the online platform OnlyFans, which is known for its erotic photos and videos.

One scandal followed the next

Santos was elected to the House of Representatives for a New York constituency in the midterm elections last year. As a result, there were more and more revelations about the politician's sometimes hair-raising false statements about his higher education, his career, his family and his religion, among other things. For example, Santos falsely claimed to have graduated from an elite university and to have had a successful college volleyball career, and falsely claimed to have worked for the investment bank Goldman Sachs and the banking group Citigroup.

In May, Santos was indicted by the federal judiciary on charges including fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to the House of Representatives. In October, the charges were expanded to include identity theft in connection with the theft of campaign funds. The MP pleaded not guilty in court.

Santos has always rejected calls for his resignation. However, following the publication of the ethics committee's investigation report, he announced that he would not run again in the congressional elections in November 2024. The day before his expulsion, the 35-year-old said in a combative press conference that he was the victim of "bullying" by other MPs.

With the expulsion of the scandalous MP, an early election will have to decide on the allocation of the vacant seat. This gives President Joe Biden's Democrats the chance to win the seat. This would further reduce the Republicans' narrow majority in the House of Representatives.

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The expulsion of George Santos from the US House of Representatives was supported by a significant majority of both Republicans and Democrats, amounting to 311 votes in favor. Despite the fraud accusations and the damning ethics committee report, 114 Republicans voted against his expulsion.

The controversial actions of George Santos, now a former representative in the House of Representatives, included misusing campaign funds for luxury items, casino visits, vacation expenses, and subscriptions to the adult platform OnlyFans, among other things.


