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Business and CDU demand commitment to the A20

No progress has been made on the coastal highway for years. Companies and the CDU appeal to the federal government.

The federal government should speed up the A20 according to the wishes of the northern German...
The federal government should speed up the A20 according to the wishes of the northern German economy and the northern CDU. (archive picture)

Road construction - Business and CDU demand commitment to the A20

The northern German economy and the Schleswig-Holstein CDU are demanding a commitment from the Federal Government for the continuation of the construction of the A20 motorway. The Federal Government must secure the financing of the currently eastern end of the A20 in the federal budget in 2025 and subsequent years, urged the Business Association North and the Union. The Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has not yet made a clear content and financial statement on the continuation of building a major infrastructure axis for North Germany.

"Every day the marmot greets: Since last year, the A23 was halted by the Federal Government from behind, and this is the next blow to the stomach for the Schleswig-Holstein road infrastructure, the economy, and the citizens," explained CDU state chairman Daniel Günther. The A20 is of overriding importance as a north-south crossing for Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lower Saxony. "For all northern German states, the A20 is a key project that connects the north-south transport axes with each other and relieves the traffic knot Hamburg." The continuation and another Elbe crossing are also necessary for the Bundeswehr and the expansion of military readiness.

Economy demands tempo

Association President Philipp Murmann emphasized, "since the Federal Transport Minister recently described the A20 as a project with the highest priority, the Federal Government and the entire Federal Government should not be surprised that the northern German economy is increasingly agitated by the repeated questioning of this project." Tempo is necessary for implementation. "Otherwise, the development prospects of businesses in the north and their jobs are being put at risk."

Anyone traveling on the A20 in a westerly direction will be braked in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein. The coastal motorway has been ending east of Bad Segeberg for more than ten years. The route is supposed to lead west of Hamburg and through a new Elbe tunnel to Lower Saxony.

The entire 39 kilometers of the A20 wind through Schleswig-Holstein. The construction was stopped by the Federal Administrative Court in 2013. The judges saw bat protection not adequately considered. The Segeberg Chalk Hill Caves are considered the largest bat hibernation site in Germany. For none of the six sections to the Elbe is executable building law in place. Environmental associations are suing.

  1. The Schleswig-Holstein CDU and the northern German economy are advocating for the Federal Government's continued support in the A20 motorway construction in Bad Segeberg.
  2. Volker Wissing, the Federal Transport Minister from the FDP Party, has yet to provide a definitive statement on the financial and content aspects of continuing the A20's construction.
  3. The A20 is crucial for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Bremen, and Lower Saxony as a primary north-south transit route, as stated by CDU state chairman Daniel Günther.
  4. The halt of the A23 construction by the Federal Government last year and doubts about the A20's continuation put pressure on the northern German economy and jobs, according to Association President Philipp Murmann.
  5. Any further construction on the A20, including an Elbe crossing, is essential for military readiness and the Bundeswehr's expansion, a factor considered by all northern German states.
  6. The Federal Government needs to secure financing for the A20's eastern end in its 2025 budget and subsequent years to maintain the A20's role as a crucial north-south transport link.
  7. The coastal motorway's construction in Schleswig-Holstein has been halted for over a decade due to a lack of adequate bat protection consideration and the challenges of obtaining executable building law for its six sections to the Elbe.
  8. Environmental associations are currently suing due to concerns about inadequate bat protection and a lack of building law approval for the A20's continuation, which hinders further construction in the Bad Segeberg region.

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