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Bushman wants "systematic waste collection" for the administration

The bureaucracy cost index has risen sharply in 2022. Justice Minister Buschmann now wants to react. He promises a "systematic waste collection" for the German regulatory jungle.

Federal Minister of Justice Buschmann wants to free public administration from
Federal Minister of Justice Buschmann wants to free public administration from superfluous

Bushman wants "systematic waste collection" for the administration

In order to speed up processes in public administration and free citizens from unnecessary bureaucracy, Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann says he wants to carry out "systematic waste collection" in the German regulatory jungle. At an economic summit organized by the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the FDP politician reported on the example of a bakery in Hesse. There, the employers' liability insurance association first complained that the floor was too smooth for reasons of employee safety and then the health authority found that the floor was too rough for reasons of hygiene. Such contradictory rules made life unnecessarily difficult for entrepreneurs.

Buschmann described the fact that the bureaucracy cost index for 2022 had risen sharply as an "annoyance". "This also has to do with the fact that we made some laws during the crisis management that were quick, but perhaps not necessarily nice," said the minister. However, thanks to 40 measures already adopted by the cabinet, this index, which shows the bureaucratic costs caused by decisions made by the federal government, will soon be reduced "to the lowest level since records began".

In order to speed up processes in the administrations of the federal states, it is generally helpful to create transparency, said Buschmann. For example, in the run-up to the Minister Presidents' Conference on Migration, data had been compiled which showed that asylum proceedings in Rhineland-Palatinate, for example, were completed much faster on average than in Brandenburg. Here and also in planning and approval procedures, the federal states should try to learn from each other. The Minister of Justice appealed for the best to be used as a guide and "not be overly ambitious".


