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Bus nearly upright after accident: 31 injured

The accident could have been much worse: A tourist bus got stuck sideways in a tunnel entrance. There are 25 severely injured.}

The rescue of the passengers and the bus driver was difficult, as the wreck was almost upright in...
The rescue of the passengers and the bus driver was difficult, as the wreck was almost upright in the tunnel.

Spain - Bus nearly upright after accident: 31 injured

At a spectacular accident on the C-32 highway north of Barcelona in Spain, a tour bus got its wheels jammed in the entrance of a tunnel - 31 people on board were injured. No one died in this accident.

Six people were lightly injured, 22 were seriously, and three were severely injured, according to the Catalonian Health Service. The driver was trapped in the area of Tordera and was the last to be rescued.

There were employees of a textile company on board. A possible cause of the accident was mentioned as a blown tire, as a loud bang was heard just before the accident, wrote the newspaper "La Vanguardia". The bus luckily did not crash head-on into the tunnel entrance, but was instead launched into the air by the oval-shaped entrance arch.

The incident on the C-32 highway brought traffic to a standstill in Barcelona, Spain. Despite the severe injuries, the trauma center in Barcelona was prepared to handle the influx of accident victims. Following the tunnel incident, officials in Barcelona suggested installing safety measures, such as cameras and warning signs, in street tunnels to prevent similar accidents on bus tours.

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