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Burst Dam Threatens Augsburg: Residents Evacuated for Safety

Söder visits the flooded region.

Dam burst near Augsburg - people are brought to safety
Dam burst near Augsburg - people are brought to safety

Burst Dam Threatens Augsburg: Residents Evacuated for Safety

The flood situation in southern Germany is worsening: A dam bursts in Augsburg, citizens are evacuating their homes. The severely affected town of Diedorf, located in Bavaria, is where Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann are heading to gather firsthand knowledge of the flood progression.

In the Augsburg region of Swabia, a dyke and a dam have burst as a result of heavy downpours. The local government confirmed this. Residents along certain streets in Diedorf must evacuate their houses.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann are en route to the flooded area in the Augsburg district. In Diedorf, these two CSU officials plan to witness the flood's development firsthand, as the Interior Ministry disclosed. District Administrator Martin Sailer will join them on the trip. The visit's location was changed at the last minute due to the circumstances. Initially, the politicians intended to visit the also severely hit town of Fischach.

The extreme rainfall has caused the Swabian area's flood situation to deteriorate significantly. After the district of Günzburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now declared a calamity.

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