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Bundeswehr Association: Military pays price for budget agreement

Is the turnaround already over? The soldiers' representatives see the defense budget of the traffic light coalition as proof that there has been no turnaround. The troops are "shocked".

The Bundeswehr Association considers the agreement on the defense budget to be insufficient.
The Bundeswehr Association considers the agreement on the defense budget to be insufficient.

Household cleaning - Bundeswehr Association: Military pays price for budget agreement

The Bundeswehr Association demands significant improvements to the draft defense budget and sharply criticizes the coalition leaders' agreement. A budget increase of 1.2 billion Euros "will by no means meet the current threat situation and certainly not Germany's responsibility in the world," said the Association's chairman André Wüstner to the German Press Agency in Berlin. He warned: "With this budget, the Federal Government may want to get through this legislative period, but the Bundeswehr, as an essential part of our security architecture - and thus all of us - pays the price for it."

Wüstner referred to political instability and uncertainty about the future role of the USA as a security guarantee for Europe, overall the "most dangerous security situation since the fall of the Iron Curtain."

"The troops are surprised, mostly shocked. After the statement of the Federal Chancellor during the Munich Security Conference 'Without security, everything is nothing,' no one would have expected such a budget underfunding," Wüstner criticized. "Despite the declaration of a turning point, unfortunately no recognition of a paradigm shift has occurred."

Bundeswehr association demands correction in parliament

Everyone knows that the so-called special fund of the Bundeswehr is already fully committed this year. "We need the increase in the defense budget to cover the dramatically rising operating expenses - from power generation aggregates to fuel and special tool sets to personnel," Wüstner emphasized. Without further investments, the capacity expansion of the defense industry will be quickly reversed.

He demanded for the parliamentary consideration of the budget: "In short: The parliament must significantly increase its efforts!" If the parliament does not increase its efforts until the budget approval, "it means Zeitgeist - end of the Zeitgeist!"

Wüstner also referred to the current report on the readiness of the forces, which showed the Federal Defense Committee how difficult the situation is and how far the Bundeswehr is from the NATO capability targets. The chairman explained: "That's why Boris Pistorius again demanded energetically and substantively an increase of 6.7 billion Euros. He was ignored again, as in the previous year or most recently in response to his demands for conscription."

The Bundeswehr Association's calls for increasing the defense budget echo throughout Europe, with Germany's Defense budget of 1.2 billion Euros being critically analyzed by experts. This amount, according to Andre Wüstner, the Association's chairman, does not sufficiently address the current threat situation or Germany's global responsibilities.

Wüstner's remarks come during a time of political instability and uncertain future roles for the USA as a security guarantee for Europe, making the situation particularly dangerous. The chairman expressed disappointment at the coalition leaders' agreement, stating that a budget increase of such magnitude would only allow the Federal Government to navigate the legislative period, at the expense of the German Armed Forces.

The Bundeswehr Association's call for a correction in parliament is driven by the knowledge that the special fund for the Bundeswehr has already been fully utilized this year. According to Wüstner, the increase in the defense budget is crucial to cover rising operational expenses, from fuel to personnel costs. Without further investments, the capacity expansion of the defense industry may quickly reverse.

Wüstner emphasized the need for parliamentary consideration of the budget, stating that the parliament must significantly increase its efforts. He warned that failure to do so before the budget approval would signal the "end of the Zeitgeist."

Moreover, the chairman referred to the current report on the readiness of the forces, which highlighted the Bundeswehr's struggle to meet NATO capability targets. Boris Pistorius, a prominent figure, once again urged an increase of 6.7 billion Euros, only to be ignored, as he had been in previous years or recently in response to his conscription demands.

The Defense budget debate in Germany has also drawn attention from foreign sources, with the USA monitoring the situation closely. Observers in the USA and across Europe are keen to understand how Germany will navigate this critical period in its Defense spending, in the face of rising global threats.

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