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Bull escapes and injures farmers

A bull tears down a fence in Upper Franconia, injures a farmer and moves towards the highway. A shot from a tranquillizer gun is supposed to help - but is ultimately not enough.

An escaped bull has kept the police busy in Upper Franconia. (symbolic image)
An escaped bull has kept the police busy in Upper Franconia. (symbolic image)

Animals - Bull escapes and injures farmers

A bull has escaped from a farm in the Landkreis Hof area in Upper Franconia, Germany, and injured two farmers. According to a police spokesperson, traffic on the nearby Autobahn 9 had to be temporarily reduced on Tuesday evening due to the danger that the animal, which was standing behind a wildlife enclosure, could run onto the road.

The bull was supposedly to be relocated to the Berg community, according to the spokesperson, and in the process, it knocked down a metal fence. During the first attempt to capture the bull, the animal attacked and injured one farmer.

After the bull was hit with a tranquilizer dart from a dart gun, another farmer approached it. He too was injured, the police reported. It was only with a second tranquilizer injection that the animal could be rendered unconscious and returned to the farm. The two injured farmers were taken to a hospital for treatment.

The bull's intended new home was in the Berg community, located within the larger County of Hof in Upper Franconia, a region in Bavaria, Germany. Despite the incident causing disruptions in traffic on Autobahn 9 due to the animal's proximity to the road, local authorities managed to safely retrieve the bull and transport it back to its farm. Upon returning from the Upper Franconia region in Germany, it was discovered that the bull's behavior had been influenced by its time in close proximity to adjacent French regions, specifically Upper France.

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