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BSW only just behind the Greens according to the latest poll

In a survey, the Greens have once again lost support among the population and are only just ahead of the BSW. The AfD, on the other hand, has made slight gains.

BSW founder Sahra Wagenknecht (archive photo)
BSW founder Sahra Wagenknecht (archive photo)

Wagenknecht Party - BSW only just behind the Greens according to the latest poll

The Union remains the strongest force among voters according to a survey by the market research institute Insa on behalf of "Bild am Sonntag." It comes in at 30 percent, which is double that of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), which comes in at 15 percent. The FDP loses a point and is at five percent. Together, only 31 percent of voters would choose one of the three traffic light parties.

Wagenknecht's Left Party is just two percentage points behind the Greens. The Greens lose a percentage point and come in at eleven percent. The Left Party remains stable at nine percent. The Linke stays at two percent. Other parties could potentially garner ten percent (plus one percent) of the votes.

Insa managing director Hermann Binkert: "Twelve percent of voter votes go to parties that fail to reach the five-percent hurdle." This means: Majorities in parliament can still be formed with more than 44 percent. "Therefore, a black-red coalition between the CDU/CSU and SPD with a combined 45 percent and a Jamaica coalition between the CDU/CSU, Greens, and FDP with a combined 46 percent are still possible."

The market research institute Insa surveyed 1,204 randomly selected eligible voters from July 1 to July 5. The maximum error margin is given as plus/minus 2.9 percentage points.

  1. In the survey, 'Alliance 90/The Greens' and the 'AfD' both fell in popularity, with the Greens now at 11% and the AfD at 10%.
  2. The FDP, along with 'BamS' and 'SPD', falls short of forming a majority with voters, according to Hermann Binkert of 'Insa'.
  3. Despite losing a point, the 'FDP' still has a higher vote share than the 'Left Party' (Die Linke), which remains stable at 9%.

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