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BSW MPs don't attend Selenskyj's speech.

Encourages an upward pattern of intensification

Sahra Wagenknecht will be absent from the Bundestag this afternoon.
Sahra Wagenknecht will be absent from the Bundestag this afternoon.

BSW MPs don't attend Selenskyj's speech.

During President Zelensky's speech at the Bundestag in the afternoon, Left Party MPs won't be there. This issue has been addressed in a statement, where it's stated that supporting Zelensky's approach towards peace initiatives isn't possible because of his provocative attitude potentially resulting in an atomic conflict.

Members of Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht plan to boycott the afternoon speech of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Bundestag. As explained in a BSW statement, ten MPs who belong to this young party will not attend the plenary session.

The reason behind their decision is that Zelensky is "escalating tensions" by risking a nuclear confrontation. Hence, they believe it wouldn't be appropriate to grant him a distinguished audience in the German Bundestag. The statement further mentions that it's not just about having a critical dialogue but rather exhibiting a non-critical endorsement of his actions, which the BSW strongly opposes.

The statement kicks off by denouncing Russia's illegal war in Ukraine. They emphasise the urgency for this war to end and highlight the significance of perpetrating ceasefires and seeking peaceful solutions. The latest indications from Russia, stating their readiness for a truce along the present frontlines and work towards a peace treaty, should be taken seriously from both western and Ukrainian sides.

The BSW expresses its dissatisfaction with Zelensky's refusal to consider multiple efforts at mediating peace talks. According to the group, since September 2022, Ukraine has enacted a decree which expressly forbids any negotiation with Russia. The German government needs to pressure Zelensky into considering a peace negotiation, asserting their position that wars end through dialogues, not firepower.

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