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BSW founded a state association in Berlin

Sahra Wagenknecht's Party BSW has also established a state association in Berlin. It is to be led by a co-chairment.

Alexander King is candidate for BSW-Double Head in Berlin. (Archival image)
Alexander King is candidate for BSW-Double Head in Berlin. (Archival image)

New Party - BSW founded a state association in Berlin

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) is founding its Berlin branch (from 12:00 PM on Sunday) at Adlershof. For the chairmanship, Alexander King, the former Left parliamentarian, and Josephine Thyrêt, the nurse, are running in the founding assembly. Both aim to form a co-chairmanship.

Sahra Wagenknecht, Bundestag member and former Left politician, founded her party in January. According to a party spokesperson, the Berlin branch is the fifth in a series of state associations being formed.

Currently, the BSW claims to have approximately 80 members in Berlin. Many are expected to attend the founding assembly. The event is initially open to media representatives, followed by an internal meeting for around one and a half hours. A press conference with the newly elected chairpersons is then planned.

Diploma-Geographer King is 54 years old and has been a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since December 2021, with a brief interruption. In November 2023, he left the Left parliamentary group to join the BSW. Thyrêt is 49 years old and has been the works council chairman at the state-owned clinic conglomerate Vivantes for almost four years. Since over a year, she also serves as the deputy supervisory board chairman there.

  1. The founding event of the Berlin State Association of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) will take place at Adlershof on Sunday at 12:00 PM.
  2. Sahra Wagenknecht, who was born in Berlin and is a prominent politician in Germany, established her new party in January, and the Berlin branch is the fifth state association to be established.
  3. Alexander King, a geographer with a diploma and a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since December 2021, is running for co-chairmanship in the Berlin branch of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW).
  4. Sahra Wagenknecht's new party, the BSW, has a significant presence in Berlin with approximately 80 members, many of whom are expected to attend the founding assembly in Adlershof on Sunday.
  5. Josephine Thyrêt, a nurse and the works council chairwoman at the state-owned clinic conglomerate Vivantes, is also vying for co-chairmanship in the Berlin branch of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), making it a competitive race for the top position.

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