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BSW chief of staff rules out cooperation with AfD

BSW chief rules out cooperation with AfD
BSW chief rules out cooperation with AfD

BSW chief of staff rules out cooperation with AfD

BSW Co-Chair Amira Mohamed Ali has categorically rejected any cooperation with the AfD. "Cooperation would mean coordinating, submitting joint motions, or even forming coalitions," Mohamed Ali told the Düsseldorf-based "Rheinische Post". "With a party that is partly far-right, that's not an option for us." The rejection of cooperation applies not only to individual state associations but also overall.

The BSW chair did not rule out supporting AfD motions in certain cases. "However, since the AfD usually puts forward content-wise poor motions, this question arises very rarely."

Mohamed Ali criticized the handling of the AfD by other parties. "The strategy of other parties to diminish the AfD by constantly talking about a firewall has clearly failed," she said. "One must engage with the AfD on content."

In the upcoming state elections in three eastern German states, the AfD can expect to gain votes, according to polls. Complex coalition-building processes are expected.

Despite the potential gains of the AfD in the upcoming state elections, BSW Co-Chair Amira Mohamed Ali maintains that "Coming to any form of cooperation with the AfD is not on our agenda," she affirmed. Moreover, she emphasized that even in situations where AfD motions align with BSW's interests, they would approach them critically, as "We will scrutinize AfD motions carefully before deciding on support."

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