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BSW advocates for forming a coronavirus investigative panel.

The Application also receives backing from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Wagenknecht considers it immature to withhold such a proposal due to potential support from the...
Wagenknecht considers it immature to withhold such a proposal due to potential support from the AfD, in reference to the call for a Corona parliamentary committee of investigation.

BSW advocates for forming a coronavirus investigative panel.

The group spearheaded by Sahra Wagenknecht has put forward a proposal for a coronavirus-related parliamentary commission in the Bundestag, an initiative that finds backing from the AfD as well. To push this through, the BSW necessitates votes from other parties. A minimum of 184 votes, which is approximately a quarter of the total 733 Bundestag members, is required. Currently, the BSW boasts ten representatives, while the AfD has 77.

The AfD's health policy spokesperson, Martin Sichert, revealed to t-online that the party would always and undeniably back such a committee, irrespective of who initiates it. Wagenknecht herself expressed her views, saying, "Refusing to present such an application merely because the AfD could endorse it would be immature and fail to give credit to the significance of the matter."

For months, both the alliance led by Wagenknecht and the AfD have been advocating for such a committee. As early as March, Wagenknecht emphasized the necessity of "exploring the period of the most severe curbs on fundamental rights in the Federal Republic's history." At that point, Sichert also showed his approval.

The recently submitted application, spanning twelve pages and filled with citations, expresses concerns about the healthcare system not being pushed to its limits despite experts' warnings about Covid treatment in 2020. The federal government, in response, advocated for severe measures and widespread vaccination of the population due to the perceived threat of overwhelming the healthcare system.

The application asserts that the government's actions led to an unprecedented societal rift, stigmatization, informant culture, defamation, exclusion, dismissals, and career ruination for numerous individuals. The proposed parliamentary commission aims to determine whether these measures were warranted, including guidelines regarding FFP2 mask usage and vaccine proof requirements.

Despite his support for the BSW proposal, AfD politician Stephan Brandner nonetheless voiced criticism: "This is a blatant election maneuver," he stated, in reference to the upcoming Brandenburg state election. The concept for the parliamentary commission is said to have been borrowed from the AfD.

The BSW is seeking support from other parties to push their proposal for a coronavirus-related parliamentary commission, as they only have ten representatives in the Bundestag. Despite criticisms of it being an election maneuver, the AfD's health policy spokesperson, Martin Sichert, has confirmed their unwavering support for such a commission.

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