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British teacher convicted of having sex with pupils

"Breathtaking arrogance"

Teacher Rebecca Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court.
Teacher Rebecca Joynes arrives at Manchester Crown Court.

British teacher convicted of having sex with pupils

With two underage students, Rebecca Joynes began a relationship, from one of whom she became pregnant. One of the teenagers accused the teacher of manipulating, abusing, and assaulting him. Joynes is now sentenced to six and a half years in prison in Britain.

At the sentencing in Manchester, Judge Kate Cornell stated that the 30-year-old Rebecca Joynes had exploited her position and "used her privileged role for her own sexual gratification." She displayed "an breathtaking arrogance," the judge added.

The teacher not only failed to set boundaries, she deliberately crossed them. Joynes broke down in tears during the sentencing. According to the court, Joynes was on bail for sexual acts with the first boy when she began a relationship with the second student and became pregnant. Both boys were 15 years old when the sexual acts first occurred. Joynes had gone through a painful separation and felt "flattered" by the attention she received from the students, the judge said.

Mother understood police

Joynes exchanged messages with the students over online services before any sexual acts occurred. To give the first boy her phone number, she set a math problem. Afterwards, she met him secretly and gave him a belt worth 350 pounds (approximately 413 Euro). The boy's mother became suspicious, leading first to the school and later to the police.

The second student declared that he had been "coerced, controlled, manipulated, sexually abused, and psychologically harmed" by Joynes. The baby was taken away from the teacher immediately after birth. It's still unclear that men and boys can also be victims of sexual abuse, said Police Officer Beth Alexander. Women can also be pedophiles, this term is not only for men.

  1. The judge in England condemned Rebecca Joynes for utilizing her position as a teacher to engage in pedosexuality with two 15-year-old students, exploiting her privileged role for her own sexual gratification.
  2. International conversations about crime and sexual abuse have gained traction, with Police Officer Beth Alexander emphasizing that men and boys, as well as women, can be victims of sexual abuse.
  3. In Great Britain, Joynes was given a six-and-a-half-year prison sentence for her pedosexual acts, which included manipulating and abusing both students.
  4. The process of uncovering Joynes' crimes began when the first student's mother became suspicious of their secret meetings and the expensive gift she had given him, eventually leading to a police investigation.

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