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British government wants to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda in future

New contract agreed

Activists campaign against deportation to
Activists campaign against deportation to

British government wants to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda in future

With a new agreement with Rwanda, the British government wants to circumvent a ruling by the Supreme Court and deport asylum seekers to the East African country in future. Home Secretary James Cleverly traveled to Kigali on Tuesday to sign the agreement. The agreement will take into account the concerns of the Supreme Court, the Home Office announced in London. This includes assurances that Rwanda will not deport asylum seekers from the UK to a third country.

The Conservative government wants to immediately fly asylum seekers who have entered the UK irregularly to Rwanda, where they can apply for asylum. A return to the UK is ruled out. The Conservative British government wants to deter migrants in this way. It is under considerable pressure from the right wing to significantly restrict migration. Opponents criticize that the plan violates international asylum law.

A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court in London rejected the government's plans as unlawful. The new treaty is intended to make the plan legally watertight. In contrast to the previously planned asylum pact, however, both houses of parliament in London still have to give their approval. The government also wants to declare Rwanda a safe third country. The Supreme Court had justified its rejection by citing deficits in the rule of law in the country, among other things.

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