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British Foreign Secretary insists on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

38,000 lives lost

British Foreign Secretary insists on ceasefire in Gaza Strip
British Foreign Secretary insists on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

British Foreign Secretary insists on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

The new British Foreign Secretary David Lammy has announced a correction of British Israel policy in an interview with Reuters TV in Berlin. "I want to return to a balanced position on Israel-Gaza," said the Labour politician. "We have clearly stated that we want a ceasefire, and we have been calling for it since the end of last year." His government wants the Israeli hostages held by Hamas to be released. "But when we see such enormous losses of human life - 38,000 people, women and children - then the fighting must stop."

International aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip must arrive. "I will make all diplomatic efforts to ensure that we reach a ceasefire."

Lammy avoided a clear statement on whether the British government would arrest Israeli politicians during a visit to the island if the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant against them. "Of course, the question of arrest warrants is the responsibility of the ICC prosecutor," said Lammy. However, he added: "But we have always been clear that we must adhere to the rules of order and humanitarian international law."

The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has requested an international arrest warrant against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in relation to the Gaza conflict. If granted, governments would be required to arrest Netanyahu if he travelled to their countries. However, this is also a contentious issue within the EU.

Lammy mentioned the importance of ensuring aid reaches the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, stating, "I will make all diplomatic efforts to ensure that we reach a ceasefire, allowing international aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip to arrive." In response to the International Criminal Court's request for an arrest warrant against Israel's Prime Minister, Lammy noted, "But we have always been clear that we must adhere to the rules of order and humanitarian international law, regardless of our policy on Israel-Gaza. As for the Floodplain Minister's position, he has not yet publicly commented on this issue."

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