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"British Foreign Minister Dismisses Putin's Threats as 'Significant Nonsense' Labeled as 'Imperialist Fascist'"

In the Kharkiv region, fire fighters tackled a blaze on an open field during the night. It's...
In the Kharkiv region, fire fighters tackled a blaze on an open field during the night. It's alleged that the inferno was sparked by Russian aggression.

"British Foreign Minister Dismisses Putin's Threats as 'Significant Nonsense' Labeled as 'Imperialist Fascist'"

David Lammy Dismisses Putin's Threats as PosturingUK Foreign Secretary David Lammy dismisses Russian President Vladimir Putin's warnings as mere bluster. "He's all bark, no bite. He throws around tanks, missiles, and even nuclear weapons as threats," Lammy tells the BBC. Despite Putin's intimidation tactics, "we shouldn't let him deter us from our course," Lammy says, labeling the Russian leader as a "power-hungry tyrant." When asked if Putin is lying when he threatens nuclear war, Lammy replies, "Putin's just shining up his shoes with our fears. It's a show."

3:25 At Least 28 Hurt in Guided Missile Strike in KharkivA guided missile attack on a high-rise building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, leaves at least 28 people injured, including 3 children. "The impact sparked a fire in a residential skyscraper," explains Kharkiv governor Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram. Infrastructure facilities in the city were also damaged.(See also entries from 9:46 and 7:03.)

2:55 Moscow Threatens US Over RT SanctionsMoscow strongly criticizes US sanctions against the Russian state-owned TV channel RT and threatens retaliation. "The US government won't get away with this," says Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, as reported on the ministry's official website. This is seen as a warning to American journalists still operating in Russia. In March 2023, Russia detained US reporter Evan Gershkovich on espionage charges. Gershkovich spent 16 months in detention before being released in a prisoner exchange. Both Gershkovich and The Wall Street Journal have consistently denied the accusations. Zakharova accuses the US of censorship and violating press freedom. With its actions against RT, the US has started a new wave of restrictions against Russian media and journalists, Zakharova complains.

2:28 Iran's President to Attend BRICS Summit in RussiaIran is strengthening its ties with Russia and will participate in the BRICS summit. President Hassan Rouhani will travel to Kazan, Russia, according to the Iranian ambassador to Moscow, as reported by Russian media. Ambassador Ali Akbar Salehi has also announced a bilateral meeting with Russian President Putin during the summit from October 22-24. A comprehensive cooperation agreement is planned. US Secretary of State John Kerry has accused Iran of supplying Russia with missiles for use in Ukraine. Iran denies this.

1:55 New Foreign Minister in Kyiv Warns: Don't Believe Putin's BluffsThe foreign minister in Kyiv, Andrij Sybiha, warns Ukraine's allies not to be swayed by Putin's threats. His goal is to erode support for Ukraine. "Instead, allies should strengthen it," Sybiha writes on Facebook. "Putin's bluffs don't work." He points out that Putin has threatened unspecified consequences many times but has never followed through. This was the case when the West started supplying weapons to Ukraine, when Finland and Sweden joined NATO and when Ukraine received its first F-16 fighter jets. "When faced with strength, Putin backs down and finds ways to explain it to his people."

1:30 "German Stance on Taurus Missiles Perceived as Stubborn"The debate over Germany delivering Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine is intensifying, but Chancellor Scholz has made it clear he won't approve it. This is not well-received in Ukraine, as reported by ntv correspondent Kavita Sharma.

1:03 Governor Reports Two Killed in Russian Missile Strike in OdessaAt least two people were killed in a Russian missile strike on the suburbs of Odessa, Ukraine, according to Ukrainian reports. The victims, a couple, were killed Saturday evening, the regional governor reports. Another person was injured. Preliminary findings suggest a warhead containing banned cluster munitions was used. The Ukrainian air force reports that two missiles hit the suburbs.

12:28 Ukrainian Military Destroys Russian Ponton Bridge and Command CenterThe Ukrainian military reports it has destroyed a ponton bridge built by the Russians. The location of the bridge is not specified by the General Staff of the Army. In total, six enemy concentration areas were hit from the air or with artillery the previous day, it is reported. In addition to the ponton bridge, an artillery system was also destroyed. Another target was a command and control center.

11:58 Ukrainian Women Demine Fields in Absence of MenDue to the war in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are fighting, creating a labor shortage, particularly in traditional male jobs. As a result, more and more women are retraining and taking on such roles. Reporter Kavita Sharma visits some of them in the southeast of Ukraine and near Kyiv.

11:25 Ischinger Suggests Easing Weapons Restrictions for UkraineFormer head of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, suggests easing restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western weapons. "If we simply said we commit Ukraine to using weapons systems we provide under the guidelines of international law, it would be clearer and easier for everyone," Ischinger told the "Süddeutsche Zeitung." This means hospitals could not be targeted - something the Russians have been doing all along - but military targets such as airports or launch bases could be attacked, even on Russian territory, to prevent attacks with guided missiles.

10:53 Prisoner Swaps Grow Following Kursk Attack Experts suggest that the surge in prisoner swaps between Ukraine and Russia possibly stems from Ukraine's Kursk operation, which commenced on August 6. Since then, there have been three instances leading to a total of 267 prisoners exchanged on each side, according to research by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). In contrast, only three exchanges occurred between January 1 and August 6, impacting approximately 800 Ukrainians and 800 Russians. Ukrainian authorities claim that the Kursk offensive has bolstered Ukraine's bargaining power in prisoner talks with Russia, as the Kremlin continuously dismissed Ukraine's efforts to broker an exchange.

10:16 Russians Press Forward on Eastern Battlefield The Russian forces are progressively advancing on the eastern frontline in Ukraine, making incremental advances near Wuhledar and south of logistics hub Pokrowsk, as per the British Ministry of Defence. However, the Russian forces have yet to significantly approach Pokrowsk in the past week.

09:46 Ukraine Reports Air Assault and Missile Strikes Ukraine's air force reports that Russia launched 14 drones overnight, with air defenses taking down ten of them. One rocket-guided missile was also intercepted. Furthermore, Russia discharged two ballistic missiles, but the air force failed to provide updates on their outcomes or any collateral damage or casualties attributed to the attacks. Authorities in the Kharkiv region reported fires as a result of Russian shelling and infrastructure damage to several buildings in Kharkiv city.

09:10 Surveillance Concerns Raised Over Expansion of Russian Subway Face Recognition System The expansion of a facial recognition payment system in Russian subways is causing unease among human rights advocates. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, backed by the USA, reports that the "Face Pay" system, accessible in Moscow for three years, is now set to debut in six additional cities, including Kazan, where users can enroll in the system. To make payments, users merely need to glance into a camera-equipped device at the turnstile, as per Russian media. The system is also planned for deployment in all Russian subways by next year. Critics are concerned that in Moscow, security cameras have been used to detain individuals suspected of participating in government-critical protests and journalists documenting the events. Lawyer Andrei Fedorkov, who works with the banned Russian human rights organization Memorial to support political prisoners, fears that "Face Pay" could also be employed for this purpose, considering it could turn into "another powerful tool for monitoring and controlling citizens."

08:02 Overnight, Russian Air Defenses Down 29 Drones Over Territory Russia's air defenses reportedly shot down 29 drones over multiple regions overnight, as per the Russian Ministry of Defence. The drones were launched from Ukraine, with the majority being intercepted over the Bryansk region, which borders Ukraine.

07:31 Stegner Defends Appearance at Anti-Arms Protest SPD's foreign policy expert, Ralf Stegner, defends his plan to attend a demonstration, which will also feature Sahra Wagenknecht, co-founder of the Left Party. He maintains that he's not aligning himself with anyone and plans to express his social democratic views in his speech. He also clarifies that he doesn't concur with the views of all speakers or endorse every call made. "As long as fascists, anti-Semites, and racists are excluded, I can tolerate diverse opinions." The "nationwide peace demonstration" on October 3 in Berlin was organized by an initiative named "Never Again War - Lay Down Your Arms." The initiative demands negotiations for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and Gaza, and no weapons exports to Ukraine, Israel, or any other country. It also criticizes the SPD-led federal government's military buildup. SPD's Michael Roth criticized the demonstration, saying, "Failure to label Russia and Hamas as warmongers is a shame." FDP MEP Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann commented on Stegner's plan to attend, "This truly harms his party and government." Read more here.

07:03 Kharkiv Subject to Russian Attacks Once More Kharkiv was attacked again by the Russian military overnight, Ukrainian authorities report. The region's governor claims that a building on a hospital campus was damaged, prompting a fire at an educational institution, which had been struck by a rocket launcher. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Kharkiv is one of the most frequently bombarded cities, located only about 30 kilometers from Russia.

06:29 Ukrainian Counteroffensive Likely Tying Down Increasing Number of Russian Troops The Ukrainian counteroffensive appears to be tying down an escalating number of Russian personnel, according to the Institute for the Study of War. The offensive has compelled the Russian military leadership to reposition units from Ukraine to the Kursk region and dispatch fresh troops from Russia to Kursk instead of the frontline in Ukraine. Initially, there were 11,000 Russian soldiers stationed in the Kursk region, but now Ukraine estimates there are 30,000 to 45,000 soldiers.

03:04 Biden Advisor: President to Focus on Ukraine for Remaining TermUS President Joe Biden intends to utilize the remainder of his term to enhance Ukraine's stance in its conflict with Russia, as per his national security advisor, Jake Sullivan. Speaking at the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference in Kyiv, Sullivan expressed Biden's aim to "position Ukraine optimally to triumph" within the next four months.

01:43 Report: Ex-British Politicians Advocate for Ukraine to Use Long-Range Missiles on Russian TerritoryFive ex-British defense ministers, including former Prime Minister Boris Johnson from the Conservatives, are reportedly advocating for Labour leader Keir Starmer to allow Ukraine to utilize long-range missiles on Russian soil, even without American support, according to the Sunday Times. They warned the current Prime Minister that "any further delay would only embolden President Putin," the report indicates.

00:52 Intelligence Chief: North Korea Pose's Greatest Threat to Ukraine from Russia's AlliesAs per the Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov, North Korea poses the greatest threat to Ukraine amongst Russia's allies. "Out of all these Russian allies, North Korea is our primary concern," he said at the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference in Kyiv. North Korea's military assistance to Russia, including large quantities of ammunition, is "significantly intensifying the battles," he noted in response to a question regarding support from Russia's allies like Iran and China. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had announced plans to strengthen ties with Russia during his talks with Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu on Friday. Kyiv is monitoring North Korea's weapons shipments to Moscow and observing their impact on the battlefield. "There is a direct connection. They are providing substantial quantities of artillery, which is troubling," the Ukrainian intelligence chief added.

23:21 Ukraine: Russia to Face Recruitment Issues by Mid-2025Russia is expected to encounter recruitment problems by the middle of the next year, according to Ukraine. The government in Moscow will encounter a predicament during the summer of 2025, either to declare mobilization or reduce the intensity of hostilities in some way, asserts Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov at a conference in Kyiv. This could alter Russia's course decisively. Moscow has yet to comment on this.

22:20 Scholz: Russian Attack on Ukraine is 'utterly foolish'German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has rebuked Russian President Vladimir Putin for jeopardizing Russia's future with the invasion of Ukraine. "The war is also utterly foolish from Russia's perspective," he said at a citizen dialogue as an SPD member of the German Bundestag in the Brandenburg town of Prenzlau. For his imperialistic aspirations, Putin is deploying hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to sustaining injuries and death, and damaging Russia's economic relationships with numerous countries worldwide. "And Ukraine will have a stronger military than it had before," Scholz added. Germany will persist in aiding Ukraine militarily to prevent the attacked country from collapsing and to prevent a flagrant breach of the rules in Europe from succeeding. "Putin is compromising his country's future." A peaceful resolution can only be achieved if Russia acknowledges that Ukraine is not a vassal state.

22:01 Mixed Results in Kursk BattlesUkrainian forces are capturing fresh territories in their offensive into western Russian region of Kursk, but are also losing ground due to Russian counterattacks. According to the pro-government Ukrainian military channel Deep State, Ukrainian units have seized three additional settlements. Conversely, Russian counterattacks are pushing Ukrainian troops back around the village of Snagost. A significant breach in Ukrainian defensive lines is evident on a map published by Deep State. These assertions cannot yet be corroborated independently. In early August, Ukrainian troops invaded the Russian border region of Kursk, claiming control over approximately 1,300 square kilometers and about 100 settlements, including the town of Sudcha. Experts suggest smaller territorial gains. This week, the Russian military made its first substantial attempt to evict Ukrainian troops.

21:41 USA: Delays in Aid to Ukraine Due to "Logistical" ChallengesDelays in US military aid to Ukraine are due to "complex logistical issues," according to US officials. "This is not a matter of political will," says Jake Sullivan, national security advisor to the White House, in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital. "This is a matter of intricate and difficult logistics to supply this material to the front," Sullivan explains at the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference, which he attended via video. Given Ukraine's predicament, the US must "do more and perform better," Sullivan concedes. US President Joe Biden is "resolved" to use his remaining time in office to "position Ukraine favorably to prevail," he asserts. Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet at the UN General Assembly in New York later this month, Sullivan announces.

20:57 Scholz: Plans to Charge Nord Stream Pipeline Saboteurs in German CourtsOlaf Scholz has labeled the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline's pipes in the Baltic Sea as a "terrorist act." As the German Chancellor, Scholz aims to prosecute the culprits within Germany's legal system. He has directed all security agencies and the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office to investigate the incident without any bias, mentioning this during an SPD member of parliament's citizens' dialogue in Brandenburg's Prenzlau. "Our goal is to bring those responsible to trial in a German court if we can apprehend them," Scholz stated. Scholz also refuted the claim that the German government had abandoned Russian natural gas supplies. It was Russia, he explained, that halted the gas flow through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. This decision led to an increase in prices, government subsidies, and the search for alternative gas sources, resulting in estimated costs of over 100 billion euros for Germany. The pipeline explosions occurred only after Russia had ceased supplying Western Europe through the Baltic Sea. In August, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office issued an initial arrest warrant against a Ukrainian citizen for the sabotage act.

20:24 G7 Criticizes Iran for Providing Rockets to RussiaRumors of Iran supplying Russia with rockets have prompted the G7, a group of prominent economic democracies, to condemn such weapon supplies. Despite numerous international appeals to halt these deliveries, Iran persists in arming Russia, escalating its military contribution to Russia's conflict against Ukraine, according to a joint statement by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US, and the EU's foreign affairs chief. Russia is utilizing Iranian weapons to kill Ukrainian civilians and attack essential infrastructure. Recently, the UK and US reported that Russia had acquired ballistic missiles from Iran. Tehran has denied these allegations. "Iran must cease all backing for Russia's unlawful and unwarranted war against Ukraine and halt the delivery of ballistic missiles, drones, and related technology that pose a direct threat to the Ukrainian people and international and European security," the statement published by Italy's G7 presidency reads. "We remain committed to holding Iran accountable for its unjustifiable support for Russia's unlawful war in Ukraine, which undermines global security." Germany, France, and the UK have already enacted new sanctions on Iran, and the EU is considering harsher penalties. Learn more here.

19:41 Putin Promotes Free Speech inMessage to Media SummitIn a seemingly amusing turn of events for his imprisoned critics, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the significance of free speech and information. In a video message to participants of the media summit of the Brics countries in Moscow, Putin declared that "given the progression of the intricate process of multipolarity," it is crucial to safeguard the concepts of information reliability. "True freedom of speech, which represents diverse viewpoints, fosters the quest for resolutions and shared solutions to the world's challenges," Putin stated. According to him, media hold a pivotal role in fostering a fair worldwide order, offering people an "unbiased and impartial view of the world." However, despite Putin's words, freedom of speech and media is nonexistent in Russia's authoritarian regime. Independent media outlets have been shut down and suppresses, with government opponents harassed by the legal system. The Russian agency TASS has been in existence since 1904, originally operating under various names and designations. Today, it is the nation's largest news agency and is commonly viewed as the government's mouthpiece.

19:20 Scholz Denies Delivering Taurus Cruise Missiles to UkraineGerman Chancellor Olaf Scholz has definitively ruled out the supply of long-range precision weapons to Ukraine, including the Taurus cruise missiles, with a range from Ukraine to Moscow (approximately 500 kilometers), due to the potential for "major escalation." During a citizen dialogue in the Brandenburg town of Prenzlau, he asserted his refusal to deliver Taurus cruise missiles, adding that this stance applies to other long-ranging weapons that could reach such distances. "I said no to that. And that, naturally, also applies to other weapons," Scholz clarified. "This remains the case. Even if other countries make different decisions." (Refer also to the entry at 17:24.) The longest-reaching weapon Germany has provided to Ukraine is the Mars II rocket launcher, capable of striking targets 84 kilometers away.

Review all previous developments [here].

The Commission expresses concern over the US sanctions against RT, viewing it as a threat to press freedom.

Despite Putin's threats, The Commission urges Ukraine's allies not to be deterred from their course and to strengthen their support for Ukraine.

In the Kharkiv region, fire fighters tackled a blaze on an open field during the night. It's alleged that the inferno was sparked by Russian aggression.

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Three individuals under captivity, believed to have been lost in November, appear to have met their end due to aerial bombardments, as suggested by the Israeli military.

Three individuals under captivity, believed to have been lost in November, appear to have met their end due to aerial bombardments, as suggested by the Israeli military. Three individuals believed to be casualties from the Gaza Strip incident in the autumn were presumably wiped out in an Israeli air assault,

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