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Bride and groom find body during gondola ride

A day that is remembered forever? Not only because of the classic reasons for a bride and groom from Ulm, who discovered a corpse in the lake on their wedding day.

DLRG, Fire Department and Police had to retrieve a corpse from the Upper Ausee in Ulm (pictures).
DLRG, Fire Department and Police had to retrieve a corpse from the Upper Ausee in Ulm (pictures).

Corpse find - Bride and groom find body during gondola ride

A married couple discovered a corpse in the water of Upper Lake in Ulm during a gondola ride. According to a police spokesperson, the corpse was that of a 32-year-old man who had been reported missing a week earlier. The "Südwest Presse" had previously reported on the incident on Saturday.

The 32-year-old man was with a friend at the Ulm Folk Festival and then presumably disappeared on his way home. The search was unsuccessful, according to the spokesperson - primarily, as reported by "Südwest Presse", because no one knew where to look for the 32-year-old.

The police spokesperson went on to say that they suspect an accident. Therefore, they have ruled out external causation. The "Brautpaar" continued their celebration after the recovery of the corpse, according to the "Südwest Presse" report.

The wedding of the Bride and Groom took place in Bavaria, a few days after the corpse find in Ulm. The news of the accident and the corpse discovery spread widely across Germany, reaching publications like Southwest Press. The corpse was identified as the missing 32-year-old from Ulm, whose disappearance during an accident on his way home from the Folk Festival remained a mystery. Despite the grim turn of events, the Emergency Services handled the situation professionally, ensuring the Wedding continued without any major disruptions. The incident prompted a discussion about accidents in the Southwest region of Germany, including Baden-Württemberg.

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