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Breuer warned: Russia is directing its army towards the West

Russia builds up to 1,500 tanks every year, says Germany's highest-ranking soldier. The new threat situation has not yet reached everywhere.

In Ukraine, no significant changes to front lines expected: General Inspector Carsten Breuer.
In Ukraine, no significant changes to front lines expected: General Inspector Carsten Breuer.

Alliance Defense - Breuer warned: Russia is directing its army towards the West

The Inspector-General of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, sees growing danger in Russia's military buildup. "We are observing that the Russian army is being reoriented towards the West," Breuer told the "Saxonian Newspaper".

In five to eight years, Moscow's armed forces will be materially and personnel equipped to the point where an attack on NATO territory could be possible. He referred to his own analyses, intelligence from intelligence services and allied armed forces, as well as statements from Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the basis for his assessments.

Up to 1,500 additional Russian tanks per year

"The Russian army is adding 1,000 to 1,500 additional tanks every year. The five largest European NATO member states have only half that number in their inventory," said Breuer. The Bundeswehr has approximately 300 combat tanks. Breuer said: "If this capability is combined with the intention, which can certainly be read from Putin's statements, that should alarm us. My task is to also think about such worst-case scenarios. For the Bundeswehr, that means being prepared in five years for this possibility." The new threat situation is not yet widespread.

Breuer: Trump will recognize the value of NATO

Germany's highest-ranking soldier made it clear in the interview that he sees no signs of a military departure of the USA from Europe and assumes that Donald Trump, if re-elected as US President, will recognize the value of NATO. "Trump has shown us Europeans the mirror and made it clear that we must strengthen the European pillar of the alliance and take on an independent role," said Breuer. Compared to 2020, it is clear that now more than two or three NATO countries are meeting the agreed-upon two-percent target, and more than 20. "That should also be a good 'deal' for Trump. I am more optimistic than others that the great added value of the Alliance will become clearer to him with some distance from the election campaign."

Breuer expects no significant changes in the front lines in Ukraine for the time being, but the country will remain in need of support. "We will not see significant large-scale movements on the Ukrainian battlefield. The course and fortification of the front make this largely impossible," said Breuer. And: "Small, slow operations are possible, large-scale offensives are difficult. A concentration of troops would be noticed and lead to countermeasures."

  1. Breuer's concerns about Russia's military buildup extend beyond Europe, as he mentioned the potential danger to NATO territory.
  2. The Federal Military in Germany, led by Carsten Breuer, is closely monitoring the Federal Military of Russia's shift towards focusing on the West.
  3. Vladimir Putin's statements and the Russian President's intentions, as well as intelligence from various sources, form the basis for Breuer's assessments.
  4. According to Breuer, Russia's annual addition of 1,000 to 1,500 tanks surpasses the combined inventory of the five largest European NATO member states.
  5. In light of this growing capability and Putin's statements, Breuer emphasizes the need for the Bundeswehr to prepare for a potential threat scenario within five years.
  6. Breuer views Donald Trump's presidency as an opportunity to highlight the value of NATO and expects Trump, if re-elected, to recognize the alliance's significance.
  7. Despite Breuer's expectation of no significant changes in the frontlines in Ukraine, he believes Ukraine will continue to require support due to its ongoing need for stability and defense against potential threats.

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