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Brazil seeks stricter restrictions on abortion.

Numerous individuals demonstrate against...

In Brazil, abortions are only permitted after rape if the fetus has a serious malformation or the...
In Brazil, abortions are only permitted after rape if the fetus has a serious malformation or the mother's life is in danger.

Brazil seeks stricter restrictions on abortion.

The Brazilian government is considering making abortion laws even stricter. According to a new proposal, any abortion performed after the 22nd week of pregnancy would be labeled as "murder" and could lead to a prison sentence of up to 20 years. This news has sparked outrage and protests throughout the country. People have gathered in cities like Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília, and Florianópolis to voice their dissent. In Rio, protesters held candles and shouted, "A girl is not a mother." Vivian Nigri, an activist, criticized the move, saying conservative politicians are more concerned with "the rights of the fetus" than the "rights of children." She added that a child should not be forced to carry a pregnancy that resulted from rape.

Currently, abortions are legal only in three circumstances in Brazil: if the mother has been raped, if the fetus has a severe birth defect, or if the mother's life is in danger. In any other case, an abortion is seen as a crime and could result in up to four years in prison. The conservative faction of the government is seeking to push this boundary further. The proposed bill categorizes abortions after the 22nd week as "murder." It suggests penalties ranging from six to 20 years in prison for any abortion after the 22nd week, including cases of sexual assault.

Leftist and women's rights groups are not taking this change lightly. They believe that this would disproportionately affect young girls and women, who may not be able to speak out about their experiences of violence or recognize pregnancy symptoms in time. Lawmakers who support this bill are also backed by powerful evangelical churches that advocate for strict anti-abortion legislation. This bill was unexpectedly presented to the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, bypassing the usual committee debates.

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