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Brazil experiences its most severe fire outbreak in over a decade.

Agricultural workers are igniting charred farmlands for agricultural purposes. This year's blazes are particularly intense due to the intense dryness. Climate alterations and El Niño are behind this situation.

The most severe fires in the past 14 years are currently engulfing Brazil.
The most severe fires in the past 14 years are currently engulfing Brazil.

- Brazil experiences its most severe fire outbreak in over a decade.

In the heart of Brazil, the most intense forest and bush fires in a decade are burning out of control. The Institute of Space Research (Inpe) reported a staggering 68,635 fires in August alone, making it the highest recorded total for August since 2010. The majority of these fires were reported in the Amazon rainforest and the savannah region of Cerrado.

The months between June and October mark the country's fire season. Traditionally, trees are felled, and the resulting land is burnt to make way for new pastures and farmland, particularly for soybean cultivation. The Amazon rainforest, due to its ability to absorb vast quantities of the greenhouse gas CO2, plays a crucial role in global climate.

However, this year's situation is particularly dire due to a severe drought. Experts believe that this drought is a result of climate change and the weather phenomenon El Niño.

The intense forest fires are causing significant damage to the trees, turning them into pillars of smoke and fire. Despite efforts to contain the blazes, the fire in the Amazon rainforest continues to spread, threatening the vital role it plays in absorbing CO2.

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