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Braunlage will chase away wild boars

They throw dumpster trucks to destroy lawn areas. Wild boars are becoming an increasing problem in a city in Harz. Now the administration has decided on a bundle of measures.

In the city of Braunlage, wild boars have become a problem.
In the city of Braunlage, wild boars have become a problem.

More than 70 cases - Braunlage will chase away wild boars

Damaged lawn areas, overturned garbage bins: Wildboars are causing increasing problems in the town of Braunlage in the Harz region. The administration is now planning a series of measures to drive the animals out of the town. The Landkreis Goslar granted a permit for controlled removal, as stated in a communication.

More than 70 reports of wildboars in St. Andreasberg in the Harz Mountains have been reported to the city's Ordinance Office in Braunlage, following its recent call for reports. Damaged lawn areas and overturned garbage bins were among the incidents reported.

Live traps may now be set up, subject to conditions to ensure animal welfare, as stated. The population of wildboars residing regularly in the town is also to be surveyed using drones.

According to Braunlage's Mayor Wolfgang Langer, further regulations will be issued to deny the wildboars food sources. The city aims to prevent people from feeding the animals. In addition, meadows are to be mowed and hedges trimmed to make it harder for the wildboars to hide.

The Mayor stated: "We will need a long breath for all our measures – we must be aware of this – the problem will occupy us for the long term."

  1. The wild boars have been venturing into the lawns of residents in the Andreasberg area, causing destruction and overturning dustbins.
  2. The permit for managing the wild boar population in the Andreasberg region, issued by the Goslar District in Lower Saxony, covers areas like Braunlage and Andreasberg.
  3. The Mayor of Braunlage suggested that reducing food sources, such as refraining from feeding the wild boars and maintaining the levels of mowed meadows and trimmed hedges, could discourage their presence.
  4. Following the incidents in Braunlage, it was reported that the wild boar population in the nearby areas of Andreasberg in the Harz Mountains has also been causing issues with damaged lawns and overturned garbage bins.

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