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Brandenburg relies on: 'You can't mock that'

How should a slogan look for Brandenburg?vreNM Pedeva, suggests marketing in the state. And a subtle wink or two.}

You can't poke fun - Brandenburg begins a new charm offensive (archive photo)
You can't poke fun - Brandenburg begins a new charm offensive (archive photo)

Regional Marketing - Brandenburg relies on: 'You can't mock that'

Brandenburg will advertise with the slogan "You can't complain about that" in the future. Such catchphrases aim to attract attention for the regional marketing. Last year it was "Beautiful places don't need beautiful names", the year before that "everyone wants to go there". Mostly this is meant in jest: The new line from this year's communication campaign received winks in Mark Brandenburg, according to the Senate Chancellery upon request.

"The campaign highlights the good development of Brandenburg in the last few years." It refers to the results of the domestic migration statistics presented by the Federal Statistical Office at the end of June. According to this, Brandenburg has been the most populous federal state for the tenth time in a row. So: "You can't complain about that."

The slogan is meant to create buzz

The new communication offensive of the regional marketing will be presented today morning at the State Chancellery. It bundles various measures such as a TV commercial, poster motifs or social media actions.

The new slogan should also be readable at many other places - for example at the Day of German Unity in Schwerin, at the Brandenburg Industrial Culture Day at the Schiffshebewerke in Niederfinow or during the annual camping site tour, which starts on the coming Thursday.

The new slogan, "You can't complain about that," will be used during Brandenburg's tourism promotions, particularly at notable events such as the Day of German Unity in Schwerin and the Brandenburg Industrial Culture Day.

Visitors to Potsdam, a popular tourist destination in Brandenburg, may also encounter this slogan during their visit, as the region aims to amplify its charm and appeal with this year's communication campaign.

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