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Brandenburg examines effects of the census

According to new statistics, there are almost 32,000 fewer people living in Brandenburg than previously assumed. What consequences does this have for the state budget?

Brandenburg has fewer inhabitants than expected.
Brandenburg has fewer inhabitants than expected.

Population size - Brandenburg examines effects of the census

Brandenburg has fewer residents than expected - the Finance Ministry is examining the financial implications of the latest population survey. "It is still completely unclear when the effects of the 2022 census will actually reach Brandenburg in the financial equalization system," the ministry stated in response to an inquiry.

The consequences of the census results in the federal state financial equalization system are currently being determined. The population size is the determining factor for how much money a state receives from the tax distribution system.

According to the Statistical Office Berlin-Brandenburg, the latest population survey - the 2022 census - revealed that Brandenburg has 31,658 fewer inhabitants than the official population forecast had determined. That's 1.2% of the population of the state or almost as many as the population of Neuruppin.

For calculating the consequences of the census, according to the Finance Ministry's statements, the preliminary population forecasts are also relevant. However, they are not yet available. The states also reportedly wanted to discuss the effects of the 2022 census among themselves.

In Berlin, there were approximately 3.6 million people living in May 2022, about 129,000 fewer than anticipated. This worsens the financial situation for the capital.

  1. The Finance Ministry in Berlin-Mitte (BMF) is delving into the financial repercussions of Brandenburg's underestimated population, as revealed by the 2022 census.
  2. The latest population survey, conducted in 2022, revealed a census shortfall of 31,658 residents in the Potsdam-Brandenburg region, causing concerns about financial equalization.
  3. The BMF highlighted the significance of the census results in shaping the distribution of funds from the tax system, with the population size being a key factor.
  4. The Ministry of Finance mentioned that, aside from the actual census data, preliminary population forecasts are also essential for determining the census's financial consequences.
  5. The Berlin Statistics Office, like its Brandenburg counterpart, reported a discrepancy between projected and real population sizes, with around 129,000 fewer residents than anticipated in Berlin.

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