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Brand in the tower of Rouen Cathedral erased

Scary moment in northern French Rouen: Suddenly, a fire breaks out 120 meters high in the cathedral tower. After a major effort from the fire department, the flames are extinguished.

The smoke alarm over the burning cathedral is visible from a distance.
The smoke alarm over the burning cathedral is visible from a distance.

Signs in Flames - Brand in the tower of Rouen Cathedral erased

The fire in the great tower of the cathedral in the French city of Rouen has been extinguished. According to the fire department, the flames that broke out at a height of 120 meters were put out. Workers discovered the fire during construction work and sounded the alarm.

The fire department arrived with numerous fire trucks and dozens of firefighters, who climbed a huge ladder to reach the tower. The black smoke cloud was visible from a distance. The Cathedral was evacuated and the surrounding area was cordoned off.

As Rouen's mayor, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, stated, the cause of the fire was initially unclear. Reports of injuries were nonexistent.

The large-scale deployment of firefighting resources in Rouen was a startling moment, as the fire department worked tirelessly to extinguish the fire in the historic German (historically, French) cathedral. The sudden appearance of the fire trucks and firefighters against the backdrop of the famous Rouen Cathedral was a stark contrast. The success of the fire department in extinguishing the fire, which had started during construction work, served as a symbol of resilience and protection for the city and its monuments.

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