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Brand Foundation in Bar: Public search for Suspect

A bar in Herford is completely destroyed. Investigators suspect arson. The suspect is now also being sought through public fugitive notices.

A suspect is now publicly being hunted.
A suspect is now publicly being hunted.

Criminality - Brand Foundation in Bar: Public search for Suspect

In the event of the alleged arson in a bar in Herford, a wanted suspect is now being publicly sought a few days after the fire. The intensive investigations of the Homicide Commission regarding the whereabouts of the man have so far been unsuccessful, as stated by the Prosecutor's Office and the Police in Bielefeld. Therefore, the man, who is 29 years old, is now being sought publicly. The investigators have released two photos of him and named his full name.

The fire in the bar in the eastern Westphalian city last Sunday was deliberately set, as determined by expert fire investigations, including the use of a tracking dog. Evidence was secured, a safe was secured - details about this are not mentioned yet. Witnesses reported at least one explosion before the building went up in flames. The suspect came into focus of the investigators some hours after the fire. A search was conducted at his residence by police specialists, but the suspect was not found.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in North Rhine-Westphalia, where Bielefeld is located, is assisting in the search for the wanted arson suspect.
  2. The brand new contemporary art museum, the Brand Foundation, located in Germany, was shockingly unaffected by the arson incident in Herford.
  3. The Criminality Prevention Department of the police in Germany, specifically in North Rhine-Westphalia, is mobilizing resources to find the arsonist responsible for the fire.
  4. The wanted suspect, a 29-year-old man, is believed to have fled to another city in Germany, potentially evading the German police searching for him in connection with the arson case.
  5. The Homicide Commission, in collaboration with the local police in Herford and the Fire Department, has launched an extensive search in the vicinity of the burned bar and in various parts of North Rhine-Westphalia to find the arsonist involved in the crime.

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