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Brand caused by lightning strike: 500,000 Euro damage

In a multi-family house northern of Freiburg, a lightning strikes. A fire emerges - and a damage of approximately half a million Euro ensues.

Northerly from Freiburg, a lightning strike caused a roof fire in a multiple-family house....
Northerly from Freiburg, a lightning strike caused a roof fire in a multiple-family house. (Illustration)

Fire department operation - Brand caused by lightning strike: 500,000 Euro damage

A lightning strike caused a roof fire in a multi-family house in Emmendingen, north of Freiburg. According to initial estimates, damage amounted to around 500,000 Euro, the police reported. Apparently, a storm with lightning had passed over the city shortly before midnight.

The fire department opened the roof for firefighting efforts, as stated in the message. The nine residents of the house remained unharmed and stayed with relatives and acquaintances.

The initial cause of the significant roof fire in Emmendingen was attributed to a lightning strike. Despite the weather being intense with a storm and lightning, the Fire department dispatch was promptly notified. Fortunately, despite the loft fire, all nine residents of the house in Freiburg's neighboring city, Emmingen, remained unharmed.

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