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Botched appearance: Biden tries to limit the damage

Joe Biden did not make a particularly fit impression during the TV duel with his opponent Donald Trump. Now the 81-year-old Democrat is trying to show that he is fit for the White House.

US President Joe Biden did not cut a good figure in the TV debate against his opponent Donald...
US President Joe Biden did not cut a good figure in the TV debate against his opponent Donald Trump.

US election - Botched appearance: Biden tries to limit the damage

US-President Joe Biden went on the offensive after his weak performance in the first TV debate against his challenger Donald Trump and showed a fighting spirit.

"I would not run again if I didn't believe in my heart and soul that I could do this job," the 81-year-old Democrat said at a campaign stop in Raleigh, North Carolina. "I'm here in North Carolina because I believe we're going to win this state in November," he told a cheering crowd. "If we win here, we win the election."

Biden is running for a second term in the presidential election in early November. His predecessor, the 78-year-old Trump, is also running for the Republicans. Biden's performance during the 90-minute TV debate on Thursday evening (local time) in Atlanta raised doubts among Democrats about the 81-year-old's fitness for the job. During the back-and-forth, the most powerful man in the world frequently stumbled over his words, speaking softly and with a rough voice. No prominent party colleague has publicly spoken out against Biden yet. However, many in the party expressed skepticism about whether Biden is the right candidate to win against Trump.

Biden tried to reassure critics and limit damage after the first major public appearance following the debate debacle. "I know I'm not a young man, and it's obvious," the Democrat said. "I don't run as fast as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to." But he knew, unlike Trump, how to tell the truth. "I spent 90 minutes on that stage and debated with a man who has the morals of a gutter rat," Biden said of the CNN-organized TV spectacle.

First Lady Jill Biden defends Biden

Even Biden's wife, First Lady Jill Biden, tried to rally for her husband in Raleigh. "There's no one I'd rather see sitting in the Oval Office than my husband," she told party supporters on stage. She wore a striking dress. The word "Vote" (in English: Go vote) was written in large white letters on it. "We had a president on that stage with integrity and character," she emphasized. "His strength is unyielding, his hope is unyielding."

Biden appeared noticeably fitter at the campaign stop than during the TV debate the night before. However, unlike before the crowd, the 81-year-old read from the teleprompter. His voice also sounded less rough and he was not as quiet. Biden had said after the debate that he had a sore throat. His age is a recurring theme in the campaign. Although his political opponent Trump is only about three years younger, Biden's supporters and his stiff gait regularly generate headlines, raising the question of whether he could effectively govern for another possible term if elected.

Biden's performance overshadowed Trump's statements

Biden's poor performance in the debate put many Democrats in explanation mode and brought potential alternatives to the 81-year-old into focus. California Governor Gavin Newsom, who has presidential aspirations, publicly backed Biden. "I will never turn my back on President Biden," he said.

Unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris was grilled about Biden's performance in a TV interview and eventually admitted that her boss had a "rocky start."

Trump's team, however, celebrated the Republican for his appearance. The 78-year-old once again downplayed his role in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. The Republican had incited his followers because he couldn't accept his election loss. These supporters then stormed the US Congress. Trump also wouldn't commit to accepting the outcome of the November election. All of this was overshadowed by Biden's performance.

  • Gavin Newsom
  • Kamala Harris
  • Donald Trump
  • Capitol riot
  1. Despite a weak performance in the first TV debate against Donald Trump, US President Joe Biden expressed determination for a second term in the upcoming presidential election.
  2. Biden argued that he would not seek re-election if he did not believe in his ability to perform the job, stating this in Raleigh, North Carolina, a crucial state for election victories.
  3. Biden expressed optimism about the upcoming elections, stating that if they win North Carolina, they would also win the US election.
  4. Joe Biden's electoral campaign is facing scrutiny following his performance in the 90-minute TV duel in Atlanta, organized by CNN.
  5. The 81-year-old Democrat's rough voice and stumbling over words raised questions about his fitness for the presidency, prompting doubts among Democrats.
  6. Jill Biden, the First Lady, showed support for her husband at a campaign stop in Raleigh, denouncing criticism of her husband and emphasizing his integrity and unyielding strength.
  7. The #USElection2024 is drawing attention to potential candidates, with California Governor Gavin Newsom publicly supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris acknowledging her boss's 'rocky start.'
  8. The Democratic campaign is also facing criticism from within, with the unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris being grilled over Biden's performance and admitting a 'rocky start.'
  9. Donald Trump's team celebrated his performance in the debate, dismissing concerns about his role in the Capitol riot and refusing to commit to accepting the election outcome in November, overshadowed by Biden's performance.

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