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Boris Pistorius on compulsory military service: "It was a mistake to abolish it"

Due to the current security situation, Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius believes that the reintroduction of compulsory military service is a distinct possibility.

Soldiers in basic training march across the grounds of the naval technical school in Parow,
Soldiers in basic training march across the grounds of the naval technical school in Parow, Mecklenburg-Western

Defense - Boris Pistorius on compulsory military service: "It was a mistake to abolish it"

"It was a mistake to abolish it," said Pistorius in an interview with"DieZeit", according to an advance report published on Wednesday. Reintroducing compulsory military service now would lead to major constitutional and structural problems: "But the discussion about it will pick up speed."

Boris Pistorius: structure of the Bundeswehr must be changed

He has arranged for plans to be submitted to him by Easter on how the structure of the Bundeswehr needs to be changed so that it can best fulfill the task of national and alliance defence: "Then we will see what that means for the size of the Bundeswehr and everything else."

In general, the Germans must be prepared for a change in mentality. The days of a peace dividend and low spending on defense are over: "We now have to be able to deter a potential aggressor again." And the Bundeswehr must be "ready for war". "Whether everyone likes it or not."

General conscription was in force from 1956 to 2011, since when it has only been possible to be called up for basic military service again in the event of a situation of tension or defense.

Read also:

"Given Boris Pistorius' stance on the error of abolishing compulsory military service, it's worth considering whether the reintroduction of such a policy for the federal armed forces could be feasible, despite the potential constitutional and structural challenges."

"Pistorius' proposal for a review of the Bundeswehr's structure implies a possibility of reviving compulsory military service, as part of the broader shift towards defense readiness and deterrence, even if it's met with reluctance."




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