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Boris Johnson, acclaimed despite deceptions and scandals, reaches milestone age of 60 amidst the backdrop of Brexit.

Specialist to Attempt Return: Prediction

Sometimes appeared rather youthful with his actions and statements: Boris Johnson
Sometimes appeared rather youthful with his actions and statements: Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, acclaimed despite deceptions and scandals, reaches milestone age of 60 amidst the backdrop of Brexit.

Boris Johnson, a significant figure in British politics for over a decade, has made headlines for his role in Brexit and controversial leadership. Today marks his 60th birthday.

With his unique hairstyle, unshaven jawline, and a slightly dazed expression, it's none other than Boris: "Greetings, folks, it's Boris Johnson here." In a promotional video, the conservative politician is advocating for his fellow party member Simon Clarke before the British Parliamentary election on July 4th.

Despite the Conservatives trailing Labour, led by Keir Starmer, by approximately 20 points in the polls, Johnson is barely noticeable in the campaign. Many Tory members wish to see their most prominent campaigner more actively involved than merely posting a few smartphone videos.

Once the Prime Minister and London's Mayor, a populist, and known liar, Boris Johnson turns 60 today. In the last election, he led the Conservatives to an overwhelming majority of 80 seats. In the upcoming election, Johnson is not running. He chose to leave his seat in the House of Commons to avoid suspension—a move that stemmed from lying to Parliament.

Led Conservatives to a significant majority

Johnson's decision not to run is not solely based on diminishing popularity due to scandals and the chaos he caused in government. There are still plenty of supporters.

Rumors suggest he is more focused on earning money through speeches and concentrating on his book projects. Others speculate that Johnson wants to distance himself from the disastrous election outcome that the Tories are forecasted to face. Moreover, he aims to help Sunak, his intimate enemy and potential successor, fail, which is why he supports the outspoken Sunak critic Clarke.

Johnson views the current Prime Minister, who served under him as Chancellor of the Exchequer, as a traitor responsible for his downfall in Downing Street. Although Johnson hasn't explicitly expressed this sentiment, his allies, like former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, make his thoughts crystal clear.

Political scientist expecting Johnson's comeback

Johnson shares his life with his wife Carrie and their three common children — he has four adult children, a teenage daughter from his first marriage with lawyer Marina Wheeler, and an affair. Johnson recently shared adorable baptism photos of his youngest son Frank on Instagram, gaining attention from the tabloid media.

Johnson stirred laughter when he was initially turned away at a polling station. Despite introducing the ID law as Prime Minister, he didn't have identification with him. Apart from this incident, it has been unusually quiet about the typically vocal politician.

Political scientist Tim Bale is confident that Johnson will not remain in political seclusion. "I am certain that he will eventually attempt to re-enter Parliament to lead the party once again and somehow rectify the disaster he created as Prime Minister for the country and the party," the specialist from Queen Mary University in London says.

Johnson's most notable accomplishment during his term, according to him and his supporters, was successfully carrying out Brexit, regardless of the cost. Johnson, who stepped down as Foreign Secretary before the 2016 referendum, became the face of Brexit. During this time, it was of little concern to him that he disseminated alternative facts about British EU payments.

Political scientist views Johnson's contribution negatively

According to the political scientist, however, Johnson's achievement was in deceiving so many colleagues and voters into believing that an obviously unfit individual should still occupy the Prime Minister position. This sharp response suggests how emotionally charged the Johnson figure remains in Britain.

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Boris Johnson, who led Great Britain through the Brexit process and is often criticized for his scandals, is currently working on book projects and delivering speeches, seeking to earn money and distance himself from the Conservative Party's upcoming election struggles.

Despite stepping down as Prime Minister due to lying to Parliament, Boris Johnson, a prominent figure in Great Britain's politics, continues to influence policies from outside the government, particularly supporting Simon Clarke in the British Parliamentary election.

