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Border controls for the EM: 275 border guards apprehended

During the football-EM, control checks were carried out at all German borders. The Federal Police are now taking stock.

The Federal Police checked over 1.6 million people crossing the border during the extensive UEFA...
The Federal Police checked over 1.6 million people crossing the border during the extensive UEFA Euro championships controls.

Police balance - Border controls for the EM: 275 border guards apprehended

The Federal Police conducted extensive border controls in relation to the UEFA European Football Championship and checked over 1.6 million people at the German borders. According to the Federal Police Presidium in Potsdam, a total of 9,172 unauthorized entries were detected between June 7 and July 19. Of these individuals, 6,401 were turned away. A total of 1,1198 arrest warrants were executed.

The police reportedly arrested 275 suspected human smugglers temporarily. "The figures represent the results of a location-adapted, flexible, and meticulous deployment," the Federal Police stated.

The border controls ordered by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) for the UEFA European Football Championship at all German internal borders, including airports, ended on the previous Friday. The Federal Police reported that 106 football hooligans were denied entry during the extensive controls.

Border controls have been in place at the Schengen internal borders with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg since Saturday instead of border controls. Controlled checks are taking place in the border regions. At the land borders with Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Poland, controls have been ongoing for a longer period. The purpose of these temporary controls for Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Poland is to limit irregular migration and combat human trafficking. These measures are limited in duration for Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Poland until December 15, and for Austria until November 11.

Currently, there are temporary border controls in place at the German border with France due to the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. These measures are expected to last until September 30.

Before the UEFA European Football Championship, there were a total of 2,938 denials of entry at the German borders with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland in the months of April and May this year. This is approximately 90% more than in the previous year's period.

  1. The border controls at German borders during the UEFA European Football Championship also included crossings with neighboring Switzerland, as stated by the Federal Police.
  2. There were concerns about potential migration-related issues at the German-Czech border during the championship, leading to continued intensive checks.
  3. Some football fans may have experienced delays or denials at the border with Austria, as the Federal Police implemented strict measures to control irregular migration and combat human trafficking.
  4. The Czechia's Federal Police collaborated closely with their German counterparts during the tournament, sharing intelligence and resources to ensure effective border control.
  5. In the context of increased migration during major sporting events, Austria implemented temporary border controls, following the lead set by Germany.
  6. The Potsdam-based Federal Police Presidium played a critical role in coordinating border control operations during the European Football Championship, working seamlessly with counterparts in other European countries like Austria.

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