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Border control authorities executed 400 arrest warrants, as per Faeser's update during the European Championship.

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According to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, she is relying on the reform of the...
According to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, she is relying on the reform of the Common European Asylum System that has already been decided.

Border control authorities executed 400 arrest warrants, as per Faeser's update during the European Championship.

Germany's Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, offered a positive mid-term review of the enhanced border controls during the European Football Championship (EM). Over 400 warrants have been executed, and more than 50 hooligans were stopped from entering the country, Faeser told the "Cologne City Anzeiger".

"It's a good thing we're keeping an eye on the borders with Denmark, the Benelux countries, and France during the EM," Faeser stated.

Approximately 2300 individuals have been prevented from entering Germany so far, as per a ministry spokesperson's report to the paper. border controls on all German borders were intensified right before the start of the EM in early June and will continue until shortly after the tournament ends on July 19. Initially, temporary controls were implemented at the borders with Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Austria due to the migration situation.

MINISTER FAeser described the EM as a "monumental police effort" between federal and state authorities. For the Federal Police, the football tournament is "the most significant deployment in their history, with 22,000 federal policewomen and policemen on duty each day."

Minister Faeser expressed a favorable overall impression of the European Football Championship. The atmosphere in the stadiums and cities is fantastic, she said. "To be honest, I think the fans from all over Europe feel extremely comfortable here."

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