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Bolivia's president rejects conspiracy with military

Renegade military officers challenge the government in the poor Andean state. After the coup is foiled, they even claim to have acted on the president's orders. The president denies the accusations.

Bolivian President Luis Arce has replaced the entire leadership of the armed forces.
Bolivian President Luis Arce has replaced the entire leadership of the armed forces.

National crisis - Bolivia's president rejects conspiracy with military

After the failed coup in Bolivia, President Luis Arce has denied hiding with the conspirators. The putschists acted on their own, said the President at his first press conference after the coup attempt. "I am not a politician who seeks to gain popularity through the blood of the people."

On Wednesday, disloyal military personnel took control of the central square of La Paz with armored vehicles and advanced on the government palace. President Arce faced them and immediately replaced the entire leadership of the armed forces. The new heads of the branches of the military ordered the troops to retreat.

A total of 17 military personnel were arrested after the coup attempt. "We will stop this antidemocratic network. We will not rest until all responsible parties are brought before the court. It's time to bring the putschists out of the streets and put them behind bars," said Bolivia's Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo at a press conference.

The putschists face up to 30 years in prison.

Among those arrested were the commanders General Juan José Zúñiga and Vice Admiral Juan Arnez Salvador. The Prosecutor General accuses them of armed rebellion against the sovereignty of the state and attacking the President. In the event of a conviction, they face up to 30 years in prison.

Zúñiga had claimed before his arrest that the coup had been agreed upon with President Arce. "The President told me that the situation was very bad. It was necessary to prepare something to boost his popularity," said General Zúñiga on television. "I asked him, 'Should we bring out the tanks?' and he answered, 'Bring them out'." The government denied this account. "Zúñiga's goal was to seize power in the country against the will of the people," said Interior Minister Del Castillo.

The motivation for the coup attempt was initially unclear. It is possible that it was aimed at preventing a new presidential candidacy of former President Evo Morales (2006-2019). Reports indicate that Zúñiga had said Morales should not return as President, and threatened to stand in his way if he did. According to Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo, Zúñiga was informed on Tuesday evening that he had to vacate his position.

Former President Morales and his former ally Arce are vying for power

The leftist President Morales - the first indigenous President of Bolivia - resigned in 2019 under pressure from the military after allegations of electoral fraud in the presidential election were leveled against him by the opposition and international election observers. Although it was forbidden to him in several court rulings, Morales intends to run for president again in 2025. Currently, Morales and his former ally Arce are competing for power in the MAS government party.

After the first reports of the putsch attempt, he even called his rival Morales and warned him, Arce stated at his press conference. "We have our differences of opinion, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't warn him in case of a coup," Arce said. "It was clear they would come for me first and then for him. In the end, we are comrades, so I called him to allow him to take precautions."

After the failed coup attempt, numerous demonstrators went out on the streets in support of the government. They erected roadblocks between the government seat La Paz and the higher-lying sister city El Alto, as the newspaper "La Razón" reported. "We will not allow democracy to be attacked," said the mayor of El Alto, Eva Copa. The industrial city at an altitude of 4100 meters has numerous supporters among the workers and indigenous people for the government.

  1. President Luis Arce mentioned Edmundo Novillo, the Defense Minister, during his press conference, stating that Zuñiga was informed on Tuesday evening to vacate his position.
  2. At a press conference, Eduardo del Castillo, the Interior Minister, accused General Juan José Zuñiga and Vice Admiral Juan Arnez Salvador of armed rebellion against the state's sovereignty and attacking the President.
  3. Among those arrested after the coup attempt was Vice Admiral Juan Arnez, who was accused of participating in the conspiracy against the government.
  4. In a television interview before his arrest, General Juan Zuñiga claimed that President Arce had agreed to the coup to boost his popularity.
  5. Evo Morales, the former President of Bolivia (2006-2019), is reportedly planning to run for presidency again in 2025, despite several court rulings forbidding him.
  6. Following the failed coup attempt, Eduardo del Castillo, the Interior Minister, reassured the public that the government would not rest until all responsible parties were brought to justice and the putschists were removed from the streets.

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