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Blockades and colorful demo: Essen protests against the AfD

Activists try to prevent the AfD party conference in Essen with sit-in blockades. The police crack down harshly in some cases. Tens of thousands of people take part in peaceful protests.

The central demonstration against the AfD party conference in Essen stretched over several...
The central demonstration against the AfD party conference in Essen stretched over several kilometers.

Party conference - Blockades and colorful demo: Essen protests against the AfD

Protesters in Essen demonstrate against the AfD national party convention with a mix of colorful protests and aggressive resistance.

Activists attempted to prevent delegates from reaching the convention site on Saturday morning with street blockades. There were frequent clashes with the police, who used batons and pepper spray in some instances. Several delegates were escorted to the Grugahalle under heavy police protection. Eleven police officers and several activists were injured. The convention began slightly delayed.

starting from late morning, a peaceful protest by thousands of citizens took over: Tens of thousands - including many families - participated in a large demonstration through the city under shining sun.

Two policemen severely injured in an incident

During an operation, two policemen were severely injured. Unknown perpetrators had struck the two reserve policemen in the head as the police escorted a politician through a group of rioters, according to investigators. The officers were reportedly beaten while lying on the ground. They were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Seven other officers were lightly injured in the vicinity of the Grugahalle. The perpetrators reportedly managed to escape in the crowd. The police are examining video recordings to identify them.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser condemned violent actions on the X platform. "We need strong democratic forces and peaceful protests against right-wing extremism and racism. Violence is not justifiable," wrote the SPD politician. "My thanks and respect go to the police, who are dealing with left-wing chaotics. I wish the injured officers a quick recovery."

Activists block streets and intersections

Early in the morning, left-wing groups called for action: The Initiative Resist had urged activists to block the AfD delegates' way to the convention with sitting blockades. Activists blocked streets and intersections for several hours. There were frequent confrontations with the police. Several arrests were made.

The police ensured that the most important access roads to the Grugahalle remained free. At a crossing, a group attempted to overcome a police barrier, according to the tactical forces. Forces from a squad had prevented this with the use of pepper spray and batons. Several ambulances were called, a police spokesperson said. Representatives of the activists criticized the police for excessive force.

Weidel: "Has nothing to do with democracy"

Demonstrators surrounded a bakery where AfD politicians were present. Forces from an intervention squad extracted the politicians, according to a police spokesperson. The situation was tense.

AfD chair Alice Weidel criticized the protests heavily. "What's going on there has nothing to do with democracy," she said at the beginning of the convention. Out of concern for disrupting the convention, the police secured the Grugahalle with massive forces on all sides, and water cannons were also deployed. Left-wing extremists had previously threatened violent actions.

In the late morning, the protests of the moderate camp began. The central demonstration march stretched over several kilometers. Many participants had made colorful posters, demonstrating against intolerance and right-wing extremism. The organizers of the Initiative Together Loud spoke of 50,000 demonstration participants. The police initially did not give their own estimates.

"The many thousands of demonstrators in Essen show: There is no place for incitement, hate, and right-wing extremism in North Rhine-Westphalia," said NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU).

At a gathering that the city of Essen organized in the afternoon, the participant numbers were significantly below expectations. A city spokeswoman spoke of "around 25,000 participants" - however, most of them had remained there only shortly after the end of the demonstration.

The AfD federal party conference is still running until Sunday. On Sunday morning, however, no massive protests are expected anymore - only a vigil has been registered. The city of Essen had been looking for ways to prevent the AfD party conference for months - but in the end, it failed in court.

  1. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, from the SPD party, condemned the violent actions occurring at the AfD national party convention, stressing the need for strong democratic forces against right-wing extremism and racism.
  2. Activists, inspired by the Initiative Resist, had called for action early in the morning, urging left-wing groups to block the AfD delegates' way to the convention with sitting blockades.
  3. Alice Weidel, the chairperson of the AfD party, strongly criticized the protests, stating that what was happening had nothing to do with democracy.
  4. During an operation, two reserve policemen were severely injured when they were struck in the head by unknown perpetrators while escorting a politician through a group of rioters. The police are currently examining video recordings to identify the perpetrators.
  5. Several major food establishments in Essen announced they would close their doors during the AfD party conference, citing concerns for their safety and staff as well as an apparent drop in customer volume.
  6. As police secured the Grugahalle with massive forces and water cannons, several protests against right-wing extremism took place in the late morning, with organizers claiming over 50,000 demonstrators participated, showcasing their opposition to hate and intolerance.

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