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Blinken unexpectedly travels to Iraq

Dressed in a protective vest, the US Secretary of State traveled to Iraq. There he addressed clear words to pro-Iranian militias.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (r) leaves the international zone in Baghdad by
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (r) leaves the international zone in Baghdad by

Blinken unexpectedly travels to Iraq

Following visits to several countries in the Middle East, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has unexpectedly traveled to Iraq. He met there with Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani, as reported by the Iraqi state news agency INA.

In Baghdad, Blinken was seen wearing a protective vest at the airport in the evening. The visit in the midst of the Gaza war also comes against the backdrop of increasing attacks by pro-Iranian militias on US troops in Iraq.

Warning to militias

"Whoever wants to take advantage of the conflict in Gaza to threaten our people here or elsewhere in the region - don't," Blinken said on Sky News in a warning to the pro-Iranian militias. Their attacks and threats were "absolutely unacceptable".

The USA was not seeking a conflict with Iran, but would "take every necessary step to protect our people". Blinken described the meeting with al-Sudani as "productive, open and important".

The already unstable security situation in Iraq has worsened since the start of the Gaza war between the Islamist Hamas and Israel. Abu Ali al-Askari, spokesman for the powerful militia Kataib Hezbollah, had previously verbally attacked Blinken and threatened him with "unprecedented escalation" in the event of a visit.

Pro-Iranian militias have claimed several dozen attacks in Iraq and Syria since the start of the war. In particular, militias and political forces in Iraq allied with Tehran are demanding the complete withdrawal of the approximately 2,500 remaining US troops.


