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BKA Delivers Largest Setback So Far in Global Cybercrime Fight

Investigators have carried out a massive operation against cyber criminals, confiscating over 100 servers globally and shutting down 1300 domains. Arrests warrants have also been issued.

Several of the currently most influential malware families have been taken offline, according to...
Several of the currently most influential malware families have been taken offline, according to the BKA and the Public Prosecutor General's Office in Frankfurt am Main. (symbolic image)

Illegal Activity - BKA Delivers Largest Setback So Far in Global Cybercrime Fight

Detectives reveal the biggest strike against cyber criminals: In a multi-country operation, over 100 servers were confiscated and more than 1300 domains were taken down. This significant news was announced by the General Prosecutor's Office in Frankfurt am Main and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) on a Thursday morning. They also reported that several of the most powerful malware families had been taken offline. These are unique software tools that let hackers break into foreign computers for criminal activities.

According to authorities, ten international arrest warrants were issued, and four people were temporarily arrested as part of the German-led operations. A total of eight arrest warrants came from Germany. The search team is now looking for seven individuals who are believed to have been part of a criminal organization spreading the malware called Trickbot.

During the searches on Tuesday and Wednesday, raids took place in a total of 16 locations in Armenia, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Ukraine. Here, evidence was collected that is currently being examined, which could potentially lead to further investigations.

"With the largest international cyber police operation ever, law enforcement agencies have achieved a major victory against the cyber crime scene," said BKA Vice President Martina Link in a statement. "This recent success stems from actions against infrastructure, actors, and their financial resources."

Participants in the operation were prosecutors from the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Great Britain, Austria, and the United States. They were supported by the European Police Office (Europol) and the Europol Agency for Judicial Cooperation.

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