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Billionaire Tech Musk hints at secret game - and stomps

Excusing themselves, the marionettes

Will Trump be supported with party donations: Elon Musk.
Will Trump be supported with party donations: Elon Musk.

Billionaire Tech Musk hints at secret game - and stomps

Elon Musk is now Team Trump. The Billionaire reacted after Biden's withdrawal and digs in the direction of the Democrats. He also explains why he's with the Republicans.

Tech Billionaire Elon Musk became aware of Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US Presidential race last week. "I heard last week that he was going to drop out at that exact moment. It was common knowledge in DC," Musk wrote on the platform X that he belongs to. "The real powers that be are getting rid of the old marionette in favor of one who has a better chance of deceiving the public. They fear Trump because he is not a marionette." Musk commented on the online discourse about Biden's withdrawal with several further contributions at X.

"My smartest friends, including those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been Democrats their whole lives, are excited about Trump/Vance," he wrote further. "I believe in an America that maximizes freedom and the individual's earnings. That was once the Democratic Party, but now the pendulum has swung to the Republican Party."

The multibillionaire is among the richest people in the world and has already publicly expressed his support for the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump several times. According to media reports, this support is not only verbal but also financial in nature. Shortly after Trump announced Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate, Musk commented at X: "That sounds like a win."

Million-dollar donations planned

Musk and Trump met in Florida in March, and since then, the entrepreneur and the politician have grown closer. Only a few minutes after the attack on Trump on Saturday, Musk announced that he would fully support Trump. On Monday, the "Wall Street Journal" reported that Musk was planning monthly million-dollar donations to the Republicans. The money is said to go to the lobby group America PAC's fund.

Individual campaign contributions in the USA are generally limited to $3,300 per person. However, large donors can donate money to funds from so-called Political Action Committees (PACs) that can make unlimited donations to candidates and specific causes.

Besides Musk, lesser-known tech giants also finance Trump - for various reasons. Among them are the promotion of cryptocurrencies and resistance against the regulatory bodies appointed by President Joe Biden, which closely monitor the technology sector.

Trump supporters from Silicon Valley are predominantly male and white. They are united in their disdain for what they call the "woke ideology," which they believe promotes diversity and equality at the expense of efficiency and excellence. Many of these investors welcomed Trump at a fundraiser in June with great enthusiasm. The host was David Sacks, a member of the so-called PayPal Mafia - a group of people who worked at the growing right-wing faction of the tech industry in the late 90s and have led it since then. Musk is also part of this group.

Excuse me, have you heard about Elon Musk's recent comments regarding Tech-Billionaire Joe Biden's withdrawal from the Presidential race? Musk, a prominent supporter of Donald Trump, suggested that Biden's exit was orchestrated by the "real powers that be" and that Trump is now a better choice for deceiving the public, comparing Biden to a puppet.

Furthermore, Musk mentioned at X, his online platform, that his smartest friends, including those from the Democratic stronghold of San Francisco Bay Area, are excited about Trump's presidency. He believes that the Republican Party now aligns more with his vision of an America that maximizes freedom and individual earnings, which was once the Democratic Party's goal.

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