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Biden's doctor: Corona-test negative - symptoms alleviated

A Coron infection forced US-President Biden to cancel all public engagements last week. Now, the doctor of US-President Biden says that the 81-year-old is well again.

Biden had withdrawn for nearly a week due to his Coronavirus infection (archive image)
Biden had withdrawn for nearly a week due to his Coronavirus infection (archive image)

US-Government - Biden's doctor: Corona-test negative - symptoms alleviated

US-President Joe Biden is symptom-free, according to his doctor's statements, after his Coronavirus infection. A rapid antigen test resulted in a negative outcome, Dr. Kevin O'Connor of the White House announced in a statement released by the White House. During his infection, Biden had no fever, and other values remained within normal ranges.

Biden had recently left his private home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, to return to the US capital. The Democrat had spent a brief week in Rehoboth Beach in isolation and, according to his doctor, had mild Corona symptoms during this time. The White House announced Biden's return to the government headquarters for this Tuesday. On Wednesday evening (local time), the Democrat plans to explain the reasons for his withdrawal from the Presidential race in a speech to the nation.

  1. The US Election 2024 is a topic of interest for many, given Joe Biden's recent health situation during the Coronavirus infection.
  2. The government's response to managing health issues, such as the coronainfection, is crucial in maintaining the stability of the United States of America.
  3. Following his recovery, Joe Biden will continue his role as the US-President, with plans to address the nation on reasons for his temporary withdrawal from the presidential race.
  4. The US Election 2024 could see a different leader, should Joe Biden choose not to run, with the potential impact on the government's policies towards disease and health prevention.
  5. Despite Biden's mild Corona symptoms, his rapid antigen test came back negative, ensuring his continued service as the US-President.
  6. After being in isolation in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Biden returned to the US capital, demonstrating his ability to carry out his duties despite the disease challenge.

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